
Social/Emotional Success

  • The National Model for School Counseling Programs (American School Counselor Association) guides the school counseling program at Cox Mill High School.  Personal/social development is one of several strands in the national model.  Cox Mill High School counselors believe that optimal personal/social development is rooted in healthy relationships, both with the self and others.  By the time students enter high school,  a lot of their foundational personal and social development is behind them, yet high school continues to provide rich opportunities for testing and continuing to define oneself.  The school counseling program is designed to support students in the process of strengthening a healthy sense of self, practicing good interpersonal skills, and (when necessary) safely exploring and/or resolving issues that impact identity and well-being.  
    YOU MATTER: knowing who you are and where you fit in the world is an essential part of feeling whole and healthy.  High school can be exciting and difficult at times, as students strive to become more independent in their decision-making and actions.  This often occurs through a process of trial and error.  School counselors and other caring staff are here to support students as they explore their inner journeys while navigating the complexities of high school.  Personal safety is of paramount importance to all of us; please be sure to involve a school counselor if you may be in danger.
    OTHERS MATTER: relationships give us strength, but they can also test us.  Learning to develop and maintain healthy relationships with our friends, family and romantic partners can be challenging.  It isn't always easy to know who to trust when things seem to be going wrong.  School counselors provide a safe, confidential caring place where students can explore their feelings, options and best courses of action.  Personal safety is of paramount importance to all of us; please be sure to involve a school counselor if someone you know may be in danger.
    The S3 Office is a safe space for all students.  It is a place where any student can come to get information or support.  If a staff member you are seeking is not available when you need them and it is an emergency, please be sure to notify anyone in the S3 Office so that person or an appropriate substitute can be immediately located for you.