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What is the latest time I can check my student out?
Our school policy, does not allow check outs after 1:45pm (student drivers or students being picked up by a parent/guardian)
My child has a scheduled appointment or I am running late to pick him/her up, can he/she wait in the front office for me to pick them up?
No, in an effort to preserve valuable instructional time, we will not call a child out of class to wait for their parents in the Front office to be picked up. At the time of your arrival to and completed check out in front of the building, we will call the classroom to have the student sent for check out. We apologize for any inconvenience, please plan accordingly.
Is documentation necessary for the Absence, Early Check-outs/Late Check Ins for which the excuse is Dr/Dental Appt is used? (Dr notes, hospital forms, court procedure excuse, etc)?
Yes, all absences will be coded unexcused unless written excuse or absence form and/or appropriate documentation is submitted for the absences that are allowable by state law. (Dr/Dental Appts must still also provide a drs note, court procedures-proper documentation, and death in family-funeral program/memorial pamphlet). You may now conveniently upload your Dr/Dental notes.
What is Cabarrus County Policy regarding tardies/early check outs?
In HS, a student must be present in EACH class for at least 45 minutes, in order to be counted present for that day. VERY IMPORTANT - Four (4) tardies ( in any combination of early check-outs, Late to school check ins, or in school tardies) will equal 1 WHOLE absence. Please be mindful of this new Cabarrus County rule when checking your student out or when a student checks in late.
My contact information has changed and I have included my new number on this form, is this allowed?
NO, your contact information MUST be up to date to be able to dismiss your child from school – JMRHS must be able to verify the form was completed by the Parent/Guardian only. Please help us by keeping your contact information updated. If you have changed contact information, please visit our office to complete the form with updated contact info. We cannot make changes via phone or through someone other than the parent/guardian. Please be sure the person uploading the ID is the Parent or Guardian.
Can I just call in to check my Student Driver out of school instead of using this form?
Effective January 28, 2020 the only way to have your student driver dismiss early is via the online Early Dismissal Form. The form MUST be completed a MINIMUM of 1 hr prior to check out and no earlier than 3 days prior. There will no longer be last minute check outs, emails, notes sent in or phone check outs. Please plan accordingly.
Attendance FACTS to know:
A written excuse from a parent/guardian must be presented to the Attendance office. There are several ways to do so. You may email , you may complete the online absence excuse form, or it can be sent in with your student to turn in to the Attendance Office – this must be completed within 2 school days of the student’s return after an absence.
Students who have more than eight (8) absences in a course during each ninety-day term will NOT receive credit for that course. NOTE: this includes EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED absences.
A student will be marked absent if he/she is not present a minimum of ½ of the period (45 min) to be considered present for that class.
More than 13 absences could result in a Forced Failure of a course
Excessive absences may impact eligibility for participation in interscholastic athletics. (Policy 3620, Extracurricular Activities and Student Organizations)
Any parent, guardian or other person violating the NC Compulsory Attendance Law can be found guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.