Homework Policy

Business Homework Policy

  • My Homework Policy is (effective 8/23/2021)

    Students are afforded significant time to complete their assignments in class and are encouraged to be productive while in class. Students assignments are all located in Canvas 

    Homework is defined as the time students spend outside the classroom in assigned learning activities. I believe the purpose of homework should be to practice, reinforce, or apply acquired skills and knowledge. I also believe as research supports that moderate assignments completed and done well are more effective than lengthy or difficult ones done poorly.

     Homework serves to develop regular study skills and the ability to complete assignments independently. I further believe completing homework is the responsibility of the student, and as students mature they are more able to work independently. Therefore, parents play a supportive role in monitoring the completion of assignments, encouraging students’ efforts and providing a conducive environment for learning.

     Any incompleted work in class must be completed for homework to ensure students meet the assignment due date. If students need further time it's their responsibility to work on assignments at home. (exceptions students that don't have access to computer/internet must sign off indicating they have no access and must request to come in early 8 AM (if possible) to use a class computer at school to complete their assignment.)

    It is my goal to work with students to ensure they achieve their academic goals. 

    Thank you for your support,

    Ms. Smalls