Track and Field

     Welcome to the 2017-2018 Track Season. 


    We look forward to another successful track season. All track related information will be located here. Please review the student interest sheet to see expectations and policies for the upcoming track season. Once tryouts are completed you will be asked to complete a parent contact form and a snack/volunteer form. We look forward to a great track season. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 

    Track Tryouts - Tuesday, March 6th  4:15pm - 6:00pm 

                           Wednesday March 7th 4:15pm - 6:00pm  

                           Thursday March 8th 4:15pm - 6:00pm  

    Students must attend all tryout sessions to have a chance of making the team. All students are not guaranteed a spot on the team.

    Boys and Girls Final Track Teams will be announced on Friday March 9th. Results will be posted in cafeteria.

    Parents: Mark you calendars for Spring Parents Night on Wednesday March 7 at 6:00 P.M This is a required meeting for all athletes. Team meetings will be held at 6:00 P.M. At the end of team meetings (6:30) athletes are required to attend the Athletic Trainer's Session. If an athlete has already attended this meeting while playing another sport they are exempt.

    All students will be required to have a current physical before attending any tryout sessions. 

    All students will be required to have a personal lock to use for the locker room. The locks need to be taken home each evening so the lockers will be available for PE students. Locks will be cut off if they are left on the lockers. 


    Students that receive an MIR will not travel that week for the track meet. If a student receives In School Suspension or Out of School Suspension, it will result in dismissal from the team. 

    Track Meets 
    Tue. Mar. 27 @ Concord (WMS, NW, MP)
    Tue. Apr. 10 @ CC Griffin (WMS, MP, Kann)
    Tue. Apr. 17 @ Concord Middle School (Hick, CMS, Kann)
    Wed. Apr. 25 @ MP High School (WMS, Hick, Harris)
    Tue. May 1 @ CC Griffin (WMS, CMS, Harris)
    *Tue. May 8 – Girls Conference Meet Location to be determined
    ** Wed. May 9 – Boys Conference Meet @ CC Griffin


    Boys Track Coach 



    Girls Track Coach 


Last Modified on April 23, 2018