

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Journigan

Welcome to Mr. Journigan's Science Classes for the 2019-2020 School Year. I am excited about the possibilities, potentialities and pride that we will achieve this yer in science The Internationl Baccalauteate (IB) curriculum we are teaching this year is exciting and challenging. 

Approaching learning from the inquiry-based perspective is imperitive to the study of science. Each month we will focus on learning attributes championed by the IB approach. During the month of August/September we will focus on being "Principled" learners who act with honesty and integrity. We have a strong sense of fairness and we exhibit justice and respect for the dignity of the individual. 

Assignments for my classes are posted on google Classroom daily. All reference materials, readings and class agendas can be found there. 


Students will need the following for my classes:

A dedicted loose-leaf binder for science

loose-lease notebook paper

pencils/pens(in blue or black)

colored pencils or crayola markers

graph paper (0.5 cm squares)

12-inch ruler

Glue stick or scotch tape

a folder to keep returned work