    Yes!!!  Boys and Girls soccer will begin practice Monday, March 5 for both boys and girls for the 2018 season
    Please make sure each individual interested in trying out for soccer has the athletic packet completed (including an up to date physical) by the beginning of the season.  All required paperwork can be obtained through the school "athletics" site.  Just click on the link and print the packet.
    Boys and Girls Soccer
    *1st Day of Practice - Monday, March 5  4:30 - 6:00
    **Be dressed and ready on the practice field by 4:20 in proper soccer attire
    ***All required eligibility paperwork must be submitted to Ms. Leslie BEFORE 3rd or you will not be able to tryout!!!
    ****Practice and game schedule will be posted at a later date.  (game schedule is posted on the Winkler Athletic site) 
    ****Parents picking up athletes after practice should be at the school no later than 5:45 for pickup
Last Modified on March 1, 2018