• Student Support Services (S3)
    College Credit in HS

How can you earn college credit in high school?

  • Students who want to earn college credit in high school have lots of great options -- some of which are tuition free!  Review the information and links below to learn more about your options.  Contact your school counselor if you have any questions.
    Many of our students take AP classes in high school.  In addition to providing rigor to a student's high school courses, some colleges offer credit to students who have scored well on AP exams.  Each college sets their own requirements, so be sure to check with the colleges to which you plan to apply.
    Students can take tuition-free college courses through the community college and earn both high school and college credit.  These courses can be taken during or outside the regular school day.  
    Taking CTE courses not only enhances your high school experience but can lead to college credit if you do well enough in the courses and on the VOCAT exams you take as your final exam.  Students who earn a B or higher in certain CTE courses and a 93 or higher on the course's VOCAT may receive articulated community college credit if that course.  This means you get credit for taking a college class without having had to take it!
    Taking one exam can yield college credit?  Yes!  The concept of "credit by exam" is not a new one.  The College Board has been administering CLEP Exams for years, and many colleges will give student's credit for classes they never took simply because the student had independently acquired enough knowledge to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum.