Phone: (704) 260-6230


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science - Computer Science May 1997 Teaching Certificate - Elementary Education K-6 December 2011 Master's Degree - Arts in Teaching December 2013 Master's Degree - Supervision and Administration - May 2018

Mrs. Heather Stowe

Welcome to Patriots!  I am a wife and mother of three boys.  My passions include raising my three young men, attending most of their sporting events, hanging out with friends, and running.  I have lived in North Carolina for over 25 years after moving here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for college.  I worked 15 years in Information Technology, but decided to change careers after my sons started school.  Working with them ignited something in me.  Teaching is the best decision I have ever made.  This year, my focus is teaching ELA and Social Studies.  Although I will not be teaching Math or Science, they will be interrelated into the other subjects. My job is to provide a quality education that will keep your child engaged and having fun. I incorporate many PBL (Problem Based Learning) projects in every unit.  I look forward to spending the school year with your children!  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


  • March 9 - February 13, 2020
    ELA - What is a Musher?
    Reading - Read 30 minutes + Reading Log

    Math -  

    Science/S.S. -  

    Writing -


    ELA - Susan B. Anthony
    Reading -Read 30 minutes + Reading Log 
    Math -  Weekly Math

    Science/S.S. -  

    Writing -  


    ELA -Grammar 17
    Reading - Read 30 minutes + Reading Log 

    Math -  Weekly Math

    SaveSci/S.S. - 

    Writing - 


    ELA - Harriet Tubman
    Reading - Read 30 minutes + Reading Log 
    Math -  Weekly Math (Due Friday)
    Sci/S.S. - 

    Writing -  

    ELA - Read 25 minutes Reading Log
    Reading - 
    Sci/S.S. -  

Important Notes

  • Transportation Changes in the afternnon click here


    2019- 2020 Specials 

    Day 1 -Music  - 1          
    Day 2 - Art     
    Day 3 - Media     
    Day 4 - Music - 2          
    Day 5 - PE - 1                 
    Day 6 - STEM 1             
    Day 7 - STEM 2
    Day 8 - Technology
    Day 9 - PE - 2

Upcoming Events

  • There are no upcoming events to display.

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Contact Information

  • Email:
    Phone Number: (704)260-6230
Last Modified on March 6, 2020