• Good Evening Red Hawk families,

    This is Principal Davis with your weekly update.

    Tomorrow starts the beginning of the 2018-19 school year.  We are all excited and waiting for your return.  Here are a few reminders as we start the new school year.

    School starts at 8:15.  Students should be in their classroom ready to work at 8:15.  We have a large number of students who are car riders.  Please make plans to leave early so your child(ren) will not be marked tardy.  We need need to work together to make sure students are safe and get to class on time.  Please help your students be ready with booksbags and lunches when you pull up.  This will help to keep the line moving.  We will have additional staff to help in the morning and begin letting students out of cars at 7:35.

    Only parents of Kindergarten students will be allowed to walk their child to class.  Parents must come into the office and receive a visitors badge to walk their child to their classroom.  Please arrive early and bring your license to checkin.  We will only allow Kindergarten parents to walk their child and only during the first week of school.

    If your child will be riding the bus to and from school, we ask that you remain patient as pick up and drop off times could vary during the first few weeks of school. Please be sure your child is at the bus stop 10-15 minutes early each day. We will also be taking extra precautions during the next few weeks to ensure that our students board the correct bus. This could cause a delay in your child's PM drop off time.  If you have questions or concerns about bus transportation please call or email Ms. Smith.

    Breakfast is served in the cafeteria every morning for purchase.

    The entire Patriots staff has worked hard to get their classroom and school ready to welcome back our students and we look forward to the best year yet at Patriots.