

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Olivia Carney


Mrs. Carney's Canvas page link

For asynchronous days: scroll down to Reading/Social Studies, click "at home" and then scroll down to that day of the week.   



Welcome to 4th Grade! My name is Mrs. Carney and I will be your teacher this year at Patriots STEM Elementary. This will be my fifth year teaching, but my first year in 4th grade (I have taught 3rd and 5th grade). I'm excited for all things 4th grade, and learning along side of you! 

I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education from Appalachian State University (Go 'Neers!). During my time at App, I was able to spend some time teaching abroad. I spent a summer teaching English in Portugal, and spent the last 5 weeks of my student teaching semester at a primary school in Ireland! 

I love doing all types of outdoor activities with my husband, family and friends. My husband and I have two dogs that I will talk about often; their names are Ronan and Tadhg! A few other things I love are: coffee, reading (especially Harry Potter), and travel.

I can’t wait to get to know all of you better this year! 



*For emergency virtual days, the Microsoft Teams link is located on our Canvas page!