

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Education

Mrs. Alicea Anderson-Rose

Welcome to 5th grade! I am Alicea Anderson-Rose. Teaching is an absolute passion of mine and I am thrilled to be your child's teacher for ELA and Social Studies for this academic year. This year will be fun, learning and lots of adventure. 

I am a Bachelor's Degree Educator who hails from the tropical island of Jamaica. I have been a teacher for the past ten years, and I have experience of teaching Grades 5 and 6. I am married with two children- a son who is 8 and a two-year-old daughter. My classroom teaching strategy is 'Student-Centered' to facilitate student-empowered learning. In using this strategy, students are guided towards meaningful engagement for them to be long-life critical thinkers. 

 I pledge to care for each child's individual and social needs throughout the year. Part of my goal as an educator is to spark curiosity in the minds of students. During this time, I hope to excite your child about the world of learning and broaden his/her academic interests. 

I look forward to caring, supporting and encouraging your child daily as we embark on the wonderful adventure of learning. I am excited by the anticipation of the countless milestones we will reach as a class and those your child will reach as an individual