

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Science in Business Admin CPI Instructor Certification 2020 RBT Registered Behavior Technician Cert. 2020

Mr. Boyd

Howard Boyd hales from the great city of Charleston SC. He has lived in Charlotte since 1997. He attended Johnson C. Smith University where he ran track on scholarship and majored in business administration, minored in economics and international relations. While in college he also earned a Duke Endowment Scholarship to study abroad at The Prestigious MGIMO University in Moscow, Russia. Howard has been with Cabarrus County Schools since 2008. One of his favorite quotes is by Martin Luther King Jr. “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that’s the goal of true education”


Please checkout our BMT website for excellent Social Skills information along with resources for parents and teachers