Phone: 7042606230


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. April Vermeire

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Charles E Boger Elementary School. I am so excited to begin teaching your child and hope you are looking forward to a very exciting Kindergarten year. 

Here’s a little background information about myself: This is my 21st year teaching Kindergarten and my first year at CEBES. I have been married to my husband, Adrian, for 17 years and we have a seventh grader named Benjamin. In my free time, I love spending time with my family, reading, working out, going to the movies, and taking family rides in our Jeep with our puppy Luna.

My classroom is a positive and happy place to arrive to each day.  We will learn, work and play as a community. I call each of my students Smarties, as I feel that when you are constantly called “smart”, you begin to really believe you are and anything is possible! Welcome to the Smartie Zone! 




  • Smartie Daily Schedule 

    8:15-8:30 News

    8:30-8:45 Morning Meeting

    8:45-9:05 Letterland

    9:05-9:15 Heggerty

    9:15-9:35 Reading Lesson/SS 

    9:35-10:05 Small Group/Centers

    10:05-10:35 Recess

    10:35-10:50 Shared Reading 

    10:55-11:20 Lunch

    11:25-11:55 Beacon Block

    11:55-12:55 Math Workshop LED

    12:55-1:10 Snack/Bathroom

    1:10-1:55 Encore

    2:00-2:45 Science (M/T) 

    Writing (W/TH)

    Friday (Fun Friday)