• Welcome to Bremerton School District Transportation

    Director of Transportation: Marco.DiCicco@bremertonschools.org
    Dispatch: 360-473-0514
    Office: 360-473-0507
    Transportation Department Overview  
    The Bremerton School District Transportation Department is committed to making sure that all students have a safe ride to and from school and all district activities. Every year, our buses log in over 360,000 miles of student transportation.
    For questions regarding routes, times, bus rider rules, or safety expectations, please use the links to the left on this page for more detailed information. 
    If you have questions or concerns about district busing, please contact us by clicking on the name of the person you would like to email, or by calling the number listed above. Please remember to keep all  communications civil towards Transportation personnel. 
    The BSD is committed to the safety and well-being of all students, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the link below is addressed to parents of special needs students, the guidelines are applicable to all students whenever those students are on a school bus. For more information , please view our GUIDELINES-FAQ FOR PARENTS.
    Please feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions.
    Transportation News!
    Be on the lookout for an email tomorrow inviting you to use Stopfinder, our new bus notification app! Here are the details:


    Stopfinder is the all-in-one, easy to use app for viewing & sharing your student’s transportation schedule.

    What the App Can Do

    • View your student’s daily transportation assignments – including transfer trips and stops
    • Securely share your student’s schedule with caregivers
    • Receive notifications and updates related to transportation


    • Send real-time vehicle location notifications based on GeoAlert regions you create for your student


    • Send private messages to TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT NAME

    Install the App

    • The Stopfinder app is available for download in the App Store as well as Google Play

    Access Student Schedules

    Access to student schedules is granted only to the student’s designated contacts by the Transportation Department. The Stopfinder contacts, at their own discretion, may share their student’s schedule with caregivers (sub-subscribers.) An invitation to activate your Stopfinder account will be sent via email.


    Please Contact Transportation

    • If you haven’t received an email invitation to register for Stopfinder
    • If you have any questions regarding your student’s schedule


    Click to learn more about Stopfinder features:


    Features video with all Stopfinder Features



    Features video without GeoAlerts



    Features video without GeoAlerts/without Feedback





    For Bus Stop Location and Home School, please use this link: Infofinder 


    For further assistance, please call the dispatch office at:






  • Transportation updates
    View today's upates here!