• Naval Avenue Safe Walking Routes 
    900 Olympic Ave Bremerton, WA 98312

    Elementary students who reside within the following area (East of Callow Avenue, South of 11th Street, West of Warren Avenue, and North of Burwell Street) surrounding Naval Avenue Early Learning Center are responsible for their own transportation to and from school.
    For all students living in this area who are South of 6th Street, but North of Burwell Street, the following walking corridor has been established:
    All students are to walk along 5th Street until they reach Naval Avenue.  Once the students reach Naval Ave, they are to go North to 6th street.  Adult crossing guards are available during certain hours at the intersection of 6th Street and Naval Avenue where they shall cross at the intersection.  In addtion, adult crossing guards are also located at 8th Street and Naval Avenue and 10th Street and Naval Avenue during these same hours.
    We recommend:
    • Children do not walk alone.
    • If possible, they should be accompanied by an older child and/or adult. In most cases there are children willing to walk together.
    • If your child is going to be going home from school a different way from the usual routine, we request a phone call or a note from a parent or guardian granting permission.
    • For the safety and welfare of our students, please drive safely in the Naval attendance area when students are walking to and from their homes and bus stops. Please discuss at home, safety rules for walking and riding bikes to school.
    • Remind your child to stay on approved walking/riding routes. Please do not walk on people's property. Stay on the sidewalks or the side of the road walking against traffic (facing traffic).
    Naval Avenue is located in between some of the most heavily trafficked routes within the city of Bremerton.  Due the uniqueness of this area, the district has determined that crossing 11th Street, Warren Avenue, and Burwell Street in the vicinity of Naval Avenue Early Learning Center poses a significant risk to student safety.  As such, if your student resides outside the parent transportation zone, your student should take the bus from their assigned stop to their school