• Kennedy vs. Bremerton School District

9/7/23 Updated statement

  • The District received Mr. Kennedy's resignation on Wednesday, September 6 and it was approved by the board at their regularly scheduled meeting on September 7. The District does not comment on personnel matters, so we will not be issuing any further statements.

Media guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Coaching

  • Attorneys' Fees

  • Prayer on the field

Media inquiries

  • Media contact:  

    Karen Bevers
    Director of Communication & Community Engagement
    Bremerton School District

    • The District is not doing media interviews about the SCOTUS ruling or Mr. Kennedy's return to or resignation from the BHS coaching staff. 
    • All statements about the case will be posted on this website. 


  • 8/16/23 Statement

  • 3/16/23 Board Letter to the Community

  • 2/24/23 statement re: attorneys' fees settlement

  • District's statement in response to the judge's 11/11/22 order:

  • 10/25/22 Update

  • 9/20/22 Statement from the District

  • 9/15/22 Update

  • 5281P: Personal Conduct for District Coaches, Supervisors and Volunteers During School Sponsored Events and/or Activities

  • 8/15/22: What is the status of the case? Will Joe Kennedy be coaching at BHS this fall?

  • 6/27/22 District Announcement

  • 1/14/22 District Announcement

Last Modified on September 7, 2023