Life Threatening Allergies

    On the day a student with life-threatening allergies starts school, Washington State law requires that schools be prepared for such an event. The law requires that parents have Health Care Provider orders completed, prescription(s) filled, and all the necessary supplies and paperwork at school before the first day the child attends.  Annual renewal of these forms are also required at the beginning of each school year.
    The following are required for Life Threatening Food Allergies:
    • BISD Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan completed by a health care provider.
    • Care Plan for Severe Allergy completed by a parent.
    • Medication to be given at school must be brought to the Health Room in the original container prior to attending school.
    • Special events/non-routine days are the greatest risk for a life-threatening allergic reaction to occur.  Classroom parties, field trips, a substitute teacher, and after school events are examples.  Be aware of when your child’s normal routine is changed and have “acceptable” snacks readily available for those special occasions.