Enrichment & Operations Levy

Enrichment & Operations Levy pays for essential elements of our schools, including:

    • Enriched Staffing
      • Robust specialist programming (art, STEM, music, electives, etc.)
      • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support — Getting the right support to the right kids at the right time
      • Special education
      • Student intervention and enhanced support  
    • Student Support
      • Counselors, nurses, paraeducators 
    • District-wide Support  
      • Maintenance, custodial, transportation, central office
    • Professional Development/Training 
    • Support of Extracurricular & Student Activities
      • Coaching
      • Class and Club advisors


  • Why is BISD proposing a renewal of the Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:

    This renewal levy replaces the expiring levy (which voters approved in 2021). The levy used to be known as the Educational Programs & Operations Levy.
    While Washington State approved enhanced funding for K-12 public schools in recent years (known as the McCleary fix), the state still does not provide enough funding to fully educate BISD students.

    EXAMPLE: For a district our size, the state believes it is sufficient to employ the equivalent of 0. 38 of a psychologist to support our 3,400+ students. BISD believes psychologists play an important role in the success of our students and that employing less than one half-time psychologist isn’t sufficient. Instead, we employ 3.85 FTE psychologists. Their salaries and benefits are paid from the Enrichment Levy.  

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  • Why is this levy now called an Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:

    The Washington State Legislature approved Engrossed House Bill 2242 in June 2017, changing how the state funds public education. In the bill, the legislature updated the terminology school districts could use for local levies and changed it from the Educational Programs & Operations Levy to the Enrichment & Operations Levy.

    While the name “enrichment” may conjure up the notion of “extras,” BISD’s Enrichment & Operations Levy is crucial in operating our schools. In recent history, BISD has never operated without local levy support. 

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  • How much will BISD rely on the renewal of the Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:

    The funds from the levy make up a significant portion of BISD’s annual general fund budget. Out of BISD’s 2023-24 revenue budget( $63,098,920), the Enrichment Levy supports 16.5% of the revenue ($10,407,173)

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  • What are examples of items paid out of the Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:
    • Enriched Staffing 
      • Robust specialist programming (art, STEM, music, electives, etc.)
      • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support — Getting the right support to the right kids at the right time 
      • Special education 
      • Student intervention and enhanced support  
    • Student Support
      • Counselors, nurses, paraeducators 
    • District-wide Support  
      • Maintenance, custodial, transportation, central office
    • Professional Development/Training 
    •  Support of Extracurricular & Student Activities
      • Coaching
      • Class and Club advisors
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  • How is the Enrichment & Operations Levy amount determined?

    Posted by:

    For districts with less than 40,000 full-time students, Enrichment & Operations Levies are capped at the lesser of:
    - $2.50 per $1,000 of assessed value or
    - $2,988 per full-time equivalent student. BISD falls into this category because of the high assessed property values on Bainbridge Island.

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  • What is the renewal Enrichment & Operations Levy amount?

    Posted by:

    2025: $11.9 million
    2026: $12.25 million
    2027: $12.6 million
    2028: $12.95 million

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  • What is the term for the Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:

    If approved, this levy will be collected in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.

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  • What are the proposed tax rates to replace the EP&O Levy with the Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:

    2025: $0.85 per $1,000 assessed value
    2026: $0.85 per $1,000 assessed value
    2027: $0.85 per $1,000 assessed value
    2028: $0.85 per $1,000 assessed value
    *For reference: In 2023, the BISD’s E&O levy rate was $0.81 per $1,000 assessed value

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  • With possible school closures/consolidations in the 2024-25 SY, why does BISD need this levy?

    Posted by:

    Projecting our current revenue/expenditures into next year, BISD is faced with an anticipated $3.5-$4.5 million shortfall. If BISD no longer receives funding from the E&O Levy in 2025 (remember, collection on this levy would begin in 2025), we would need to cut our budget by approximately an additional $11.9 million for the 2025-26 school year. 

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  • What happens if the Enrichment & Operations Levy isn’t renewed?

    Posted by:

    Without the E&O Levy, further cuts would be required in 2025-26 and beyond.

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  • What is the ballot language for the Enrichment & Operations Levy?

    Posted by:


    The Board of Directors of Bainbridge Island School District No. 303 approved Resolution No. 02-23-24, concerning the replacement of an expiring school enrichment and operations levy. This proposition provides funding for educational programs and operations not funded by the State. If approved, Proposition 1 will authorize the District to levy the following excess taxes, on all taxable property within the District, as provided in Resolution No. 02-23-24:

    Collection Years      Approx. Levy Rate per $1,000 AV      Levy Amount
    2025                              $0.85                                             $11,900,000
    2026                              $0.85                                             $12,250,000

    2027                              $0.85                                             $12,600,000
    2028                              $0.85                                             $12,950,000

    Should this proposition be approved?
    YES  []
    NO   []

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