Precondition 1 for School Districts or Other Non-Regionally Accredited Entities:
The Merced Union High School District Governing Board has approved sponsorship of the MUHSD Induction Program, as supported by Board Policy 4131.1 and approval of the Induction Program Preconditions (March 9, 2022). See also Letter from Unit Head, Superintendent, Alan Peterson, which assures continuing support for the program.
Precondition 2 Enrollment and Completion:
Once a candidate is accepted and enrolls in the MUHSD Induction Program, each candidate is offered the program until he/she completes the program, withdraws from the program, is dropped from the program based on established criteria, or is admitted to another program, as described in the MUHSD Induction Program Handbook (Guarantee of Services and Maintenance of Records section, pg 9).
In the event the MUHSD Induction Program closes, a process is in place for candidate completion, individual transition plans for each candidate, and candidates to access their records as described in the MUHSD Induction Handbook (Guarantee of Services and Maintenance of Records and Contract with Merced County Office of Education).
See also Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Precondition 3 Responsibility and Authority:
MUHSD assures that there is an identified position within the organization that is responsible for ongoing oversight for all educator preparation programs offered by this institution. Unit Head, MUHSD Superintendent, Alan Peterson is responsible for oversight of all educator preparation programs facilitated in the MUHSD. The identified Director of MUHSD Induction is Sheryl Garman, who is Director of Educational Technology/Online Programs and Induction and a full-time employee in MUHSD's Business and Student Services Department.
The Director of Educational Technology/Online Programs and Induction maintains communication with the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services for assurance of institutional oversight and appropriateness.
Duties regarding credential recommendations are provided solely by the Director of Educational Technology/ Online Programs and Induction, the current oversight designee of this Commission-approved institution.
See also Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Precondition 4 Lawful Practices:
Merced Union High School District certifies that all decisions made in the Merced Union High School District are made without lawful discrimination or consideration of differences due to gender or other constitutionality or legally prohibited considerations (Board Policy 4030 and Notice of Nondiscrimination in Employment found in the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program Handbook, pg. 14).
Precondition 5 Commission Assurances:
MUHSD Leadership affirms the following:
(A) MUHSD Induction Program will fulfill all of the applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the Commission,
(B) All candidates participating in public school-based field activities hold a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission
(C) Merced Union High School District assures its cooperation in the evaluation of the MUHSD Induction Program by an external team or a monitoring of the program by a Commission staff member, and
(D) Merced Union High School District assures its full participation in the Commission’s accreditation system, including the timely submission of documents required for accreditation. See Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Precondition 6 Requests for Data:
Merced Union High School District shall respond to requests for data from the Commission through a qualified officer. The Director of Educational Technology/Online Programs and Induction (Sheryl Garman) is responsible for reporting and responding to all requests from the Commission for data including, but not limited to, program enrollments, program completers, examination results, including performance assessments, and state and federal reporting within the time limits specified by the Commission. Merced Union High School District will annually update its institutional contact information. See MUHSD Induction Program Staff. See Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Precondition 7 Veracity in all Claims and Documentation Submitted:
MUHSD Leadership affirms the veracity of all statements and documentation submitted to the Commission through multiple entities: the Merced Union High School District Superintendent, the MUHSD Induction Program staff, the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, the Director of Human Resources, four Induction Mentors and union representatives. See Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Precondition 8 Grievance Process:
Merced Union High School District has a clearly delineated grievance process for candidates and applicants. Grievance information is accessible to all candidates and applicants through the district website and through the Office of Human Resources. Additionally, the Director of Educational Technology/Online Programs and Induction ensures that all candidates are made aware of the grievance process through the MUHSD Induction Program Handbook (page 27-28). The Handbook is reviewed with candidates each year during their first professional learning seminar, and presenting the grievance process occurs during that time so that every candidate receives the information annually.
Precondition 9 Faculty and Instructional Personnel Participation:
Not Applicable. Merced Union High School District is a Local Education Agency, and therefore, does not address this precondition.
Precondition 10 Communication and Information:
MUHSD confirms that the district website for employees provides access to its most current and accurate information to the public, prospective educators, and enrolled candidates about the requirements for admission and successful completion of the MUHSD Induction Program, the district’s only educator preparation program. See MUHSD Induction Program website. The website contains links to the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) requirement as well as all the associated activities and requirements. Click here to read About MUHSD Induction and click here to read more about the completion process for the program.
Precondition 11 Records Management, Access, and Security:
(A) Candidates and graduates have access to and are provided with transcripts and/or other documents for the purpose of verifying academic units and program completion through requests made to the Induction Program Director. However, MUHSD (itself) does not offer units for induction.
(B) All candidate induction records are maintained at the district office on a user ID and password protected platform (Candidate's Google account). These records are only accessible by the Induction Program Director, Induction Program Assistant, and the individual candidate.
(C) Once a candidate completes induction, all records are transferred to an off-site secure MUHSD site (MUHSD's District Instructional Support Center-DISC). Such records are not accessible by the public.
See Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Precondition 12 Disclosure:
Merced Union High School District is the sole provider of services for the MUHSD Induction Program and does not contract with outside services to provide any direct educational services as all or part of the educator preparation programs sponsored by the institution, as affirmed by the Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent.
Each Induction program must be designed to provide a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of teaching. (Click here to view the Participating Teacher Letter of Commitment to the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program) See also MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program Handbook page 3 and page 5.
The Induction program must identify and assign a mentor to each participating teacher within the first 30 days of the participant’s enrollment in the program, matching the mentor and participating teacher according to credentials held, grade level and/or subject area, as appropriate to the participant’s employment. See Mentor Matching and Program Information spreadsheet. See policy statement in the MUHSD Induction Program Handbook (page 5) under Mentor Matching and Program Information section.
Each Induction program must assure that each participating teacher receives an average of not less than one hour per week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor. See Role of Mentor description from the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Handbook page 8, and view the Mentor Activity Log form used for program monitoring and accountability.
Professional Goals for each participating teacher must be developed within the context of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program. The ILP document contains a space to note the date of goal creation, and the document is uploaded and tracked in the online learning platform- MUHSD InnovatEd. See also the policy statement included in the Application of Knowledge and Evidence of Practice section of the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program Handbook (page 6-7).
The Individual Learning Plan must be designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the participating teacher and not for evaluation for employment purposes. Click here for assurance from the MUHSD Superintendent, Unit Head (Appendix D in the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program Handbook). See also policy statement in the Application of Knowledge and Evidence of Practice section (page 6-7) of the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program Handbook.
An Induction program sponsor must make available and must advise participants of an Early Completion Option (ECO) for “experienced and exceptional” candidates who meet the program’s established criteria (page 10-11 of the MUHSD New Teacher Induction Program Handbook). To make a copy of the ECO document detailing the application process and success criteria, click here.