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Individual Learning Plan (ILP)

Application of Knowledge and Evidence of Practice 

Within the first 60 days of enrollment into the MUHSD Induction Program, candidates will set professional goals based on the CSTP for the purpose of becoming strong, knowledgeable, reflective, and thoughtful teachers.  The MUHSD Induction Program requires participating teachers to document evidence of growth and proficiency in the CSTP through completion of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP).  The ILP components support the participating teacher's professional growth goals and include application opportunities related to the CSTP, as well as district and site instructional initiatives and core values. The ILP components include, but are not limited to: 

  1. evidence of practice related to CSTP

  2. evidence of practice related to district instructional initiatives and core values

  3. evidence of practice related to site instructional foci and/or maxims

  4. evidence of completion and implementation related to self-selected InnovatED course

  5. reflections on 4 required professional learning seminars

  6. collaborative conversation log between teacher and mentor

The full list of Induction Program activities and requirements can be viewed here. It is clear to all and supported by the superintendent that the ILP is for professional growth, not evaluation purposes. See Letter of Assurance from MUHSD Superintendent, Induction Program Unit Head.

Candidates will submit their ILP template (in Canvas) as evidence of completion. Each submission is date/time stamped automatically and will be recorded by Induction Program Staff.

Induction Program Staff will monitor submissions to verify all candidates have successfully met this requirement.  Within the first 60 days of enrollment into the program, candidates will be sent reminders about this requirement on a bi-monthly basis until the requirement has been fulfilled.  Failure to complete this requirement may result in removal from the program until the following year.

Please see Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Template below: