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Professional Learning


InnovatEd offers teachers, administrators, and classified staff personalized learning opportunities in areas related to blended learning and technology, pedagogy and instructional best practices, and various other job and educational service related areas. InnovatEd courses are divided into a two-tiered system. Each tier requires a different level of commitment from the participant and tiers progressively increase in rigor. 

Explore the quick links below for more information on required online trainings for staff or to log in to the InnovatEd professional learning platform.

Please contact MUHSD InnovatEd staff with any questions.

InnovatEd-Quick Links



The MUHSD Induction Program engages preliminary credentialed teachers in a job-embedded program of support and professional growth to fulfill the requirements to obtain a California Clear Credential for Multiple Subjects, Single Subjects and Education Specialist credentials. The program supports each candidate's development and growth in the teaching profession by building on the knowledge and skills gained during their Preliminary Preparation program. Our program is based on the California Induction Standards that were adopted in 2016 with an emphasis of the application of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and “just in time” support.