- District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
- District Advisory Committee (DAC)
- DELAC Agenda & Minutes
- School Site Council/Parent Workshop Info
District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a committee that provides oversight on the English Learner (EL) program and works with district leadership to provide a high quality program for MUHSD students. Each campus sends one representative from their English Learner Advisory Committee to review and comment on key policies and procedures in our district. The DELAC members pictured were instrumental in creating and administering a student survey of our EL students as part of our annual program review. We thank our DELAC parents for their commitment and service to our EL program, its students and staff.
Schools with 21 or more English Learners shall establish a functioning school-level advisory committee. Parents/guardians of English Learners shall have an opportunity to elect parent members of the committee; the committee shall be constituted of membership in at least the same ratio as English Learners within the whole school enrollment. The committee shall also select one representative and one alternate to attend the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
The committee advices the principal and staff on topics relating to English Learners, including:
- The development of the school's plan for English Learners
- The development of the school's needs assessment
- Administration of the school's language census (R-30)
- Activities designed to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance
District Advisory Committee (DAC)
School districts receiving Economic Impact Aid (EIA)/State Compensatory Education (SCE) are required to establish a district advisory committee (DAC) and a school advisory committee (SAC) for the purpose of advising districts and schools regarding compensatory education programs. A school may designate a school site council established pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 52852 to function as the school advisory council.
Parent Involvement Policy
MUHSD Board Policy
Section 6000 Instruction
- Adopted September 13, 2006
- Parent Involvement
- BP 6020 Instruction
The Board of Trustees recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most influential teachers and that continued parental involvement in the education of children contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment.
In order to engage parents/guardians positively in their children's education, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that staff members at each school:
1. Help parents/guardians develop parenting skills and provide home environments that support their children's academic efforts and their development as responsible members of society
2. Inform parents/guardians that they can directly affect the success of their children's learning and provide them techniques and strategies that they may use to improve their children's academic success and help their children in learning at home
(cf. 6154 - Homework/Make-Up Work)
3. Initiate consistent and effective two-way communication between the home and school so that parents/guardians may know when and how to help their children in support of classroom learning activities
(cf. 5124 - Communication with Parents/Guardians) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)
4. Receive training that fosters effective and culturally sensitive communication with the home, including training on how to communicate with non-English speakers and how to give parents/guardians opportunities to assist in the instructional process both at school and at home
(cf. 4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 4231 - Staff Development) (cf. 4331 - Staff Development)
5. Encourage parents/guardians to serve as volunteers in the schools, attend student performances and school meetings, and participate in site councils, advisory councils and other activities in which they may undertake governance, advisory and advocacy roles
(cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf. 0420.1 - School-Based Program Coordination)
Read MUHSD Board Docs
Page BoardDocs® Pro 2 of 2 (cf. 0420.3 - School-Based Pupil Motivation and Maintenance Program) (cf. 0420.5 - School-Based Decision Making) (cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) (cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance) (cf. 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs)
School plans shall delineate specific measures that shall be taken to increase parental involvement with their children's education, including measures designed to involve parents/guardians with cultural, language or other barriers which may inhibit such participation.
Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 11500-11506 Programs to encourage parental involvement LABOR CODE 230.8 Time off to visit child's school
Management Resources: CDE PROGRAM ADVISORIES 0928.90 Guidelines for the development of policies on parent involvement, SPB: 90/91-3 SBE POLICIES Parent Involvement in the Education of Their Children, 1994
Policy MERCED UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: September 13, 2006 Atwater, California
Read MUHSD Board Docs
DAC Purpose, Requirements, and Responsibilities
DELAC Agenda & Minutes
Past DELAC Agenda & Minutes
- 2022-2023
- 2021-2022
- 2020-2021
- May 12, 2020
- March 10, 2020
- December 3, 2019
- September 10, 2019
- June 18, 2019
- May 7, 2019
- April 2, 2019
- January 8, 2019
- September 11, 2018
- June 26, 2018
- May 8, 2018
- March 20, 2018
- Dec 5, 2017
- Sept 19, 2017
- Minutes from Past DELAC Meetings
- Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2021
- Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021
- Tuesday, April 05, 2022
- Tuesday, May 24, 2022
- 5:30pm - 7:00pm
- Zoom Meeting
- Agenda
All meetings will be held via ZOOM
- Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2020
- Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020
- Tuesday, March 16, 2021
- 5:30pm - 7:00pm
- Zoom Meeting
- Agenda
- Tuesday, April 13 2021
- Tuesday, May 25, 2021
All meetings will be held via ZOOM
May 12, 2020
View and open the DELAC Agenda/ Minutes for May 12, 2020.
March 10, 2020
View and open the DELAC Agenda/ Minutes for March 10, 2020.
December 3, 2019
View and open the DELAC Agenda/ Minutes for December 3, 2019.
September 10, 2019
View and open the DELAC Agenda & DELCA Minutes for September 10, 2019.
June 18, 2019
View and open the DELAC Agenda for June 18, 2019.
View and open the DELAC Minutes for June 18, 2019.
May 7, 2019
View and open the DELAC Agenda for May 7, 2019.
View and open the DELAC Minutes for May 7, 2019.
April 2, 2019
January 8, 2019
View and open the DELAC Agenda for January 8, 2019.
View and open the DELAC Minutes for January 8, 2019.
September 11, 2018
View and open the DELAC Agenda and Minutes for September 11, 2018.
June 26, 2018
View and open the DELAC Agenda for June 26, 2018.
View and open the DELAC Minutes for June 26, 2018.
May 8, 2018
District English Learner Advisory Committee Meeting
May 8, 2018 6:00-7:30pm
District Office Board Room
DELAC Minutes
- Welcome/ Bienvenidos
- Introductions/ Introducciones
- Review and approve Minutes from March 6, 2018 meeting. Motion by Alexie Parle, A.P., 2nd by Steve Menezes, A.P. Motion carried. / Revise y apruebe el Acta de la reunión del 6 de marzo de 2018. Moción de Alexie Parle, A.P., 2nd por Steve Menezes, A.P. Movimiento llevado
- Debbie Glass reviewed the DELAC/ ELAC Roles and Responsibilities. There should be one parent from each school site’s ELAC that attends the DELAC. There are four parents tonight in attendance, one from MHS and three from AHS. Next year the committee needs to think of ways to encourage parents to belong to ELAC and one parent at each site to attend the “DELAC four times per year.” There was discussion that all sites have their ELAC Election at the same time. Parent Square will be used to reach out to parents. Suggested to have parents recruit other parents to become involved and active in their student’s school such as taking parents with admin to middle schools, resource nights & meetings to encourage other parents to become involved. The role of DELAC is to “Advise” the District. /Debbie Glass revisó las funciones y responsabilidades de DELAC / ELAC. Debe haber uno de los padres del ELAC de cada escuela que sirva en DELAC. Existen cuatro padres que asistieron esta noche, uno de MHS y tres de AHS. El próximo año el comité necesita pensar en maneras de atraer a padres para que participen en El ELAC y que un padre en cada escuela asista al "DELAC" cuatro veces al año. Hubo discusión que todos las escuelas tienen su Elección de ELAC al mismo tiempo. Se usará Parent Square para llegar a los padres. Se sugiere que los padres recluten a otros padres para que se involucren y sean activos en la escuela de su estudiante. Tambien se sugerio llevar a los padres con el administrador a la escuelas de middle school, noches de recursos y reuniones para encomiar a otros padres a involucrarse. El papel de DELAC es "asesorar" al distrito.
The DELAC shall advise the school district governing board on at least the following tasks:
- Development of a district master plan for education programs and services for English learners. The district master plan will take into consideration the school site master plans.
- Conducting of a district wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
- Establishment of district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners.
- Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and/or teacher aide requirements.
- Review and comment on the school district reclassification procedures.
- Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.
- If the DELAC acts as the English learner parent advisory committee under California Education Code Sections 52063(b)(1) and 52062(a)(2), the DELAC shall also review and comment on the development or annual update of the LCAP.*
El DELAC deberá asesorar a la junta directiva del distrito escolar sobre al menos las siguientes tareas:
- Desarrollo de un plan maestro de distrito para programas y servicios educativos para estudiantes de inglés. El plan maestro del distrito tendrá en cuenta los planes maestros del sitio escolar.
- Llevar a cabo una evaluación de necesidades a nivel de distrito, escuela por escuela.
- Establecimiento de un programa, metas y objetivos del distrito para programas y servicios para estudiantes de inglés.
- Desarrollar un plan para garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de ayuda
- Docente de maestros y/o requerimientos para ayudantes de maestro..
- Revisar y comentar sobre los procedimientos de reclasificación del distrito escolar.
- Revisar y comentar las notificaciones escritas que se deben enviar a los padres y tutores.
- Si el DELAC actúa como el comité asesor de padres aprendices de inglés bajo las
Secciones 52063 (b) (1) y 52062 (a) (2) del Código de Educación de California, el DELAC también deberá revisar y comentar sobre el desarrollo o actualización anual del LCAP. *
Progress in 2017-2018
- Purchased ILit curriculum for all ELD students. ILit includes BOY,MOY and EOY reading assessments
- Teachers received training for using ILit
- 3 Days of training with consultants on ELD Vocabulary, Reading and Writing for ELD teachers, instructional coaches, administrators, bilingual aides and core teachers
- 5 full days of collaboration between the director and ELD department heads on a new EL Master Plan, 2 days with a consultant
- Districtwide adoption of 7-period day to give all students more opportunities to learn
- Wrote interim reclassification checklist
- Trained teachers to administer the ELPAC Summative test
- Students took the test for the first time!
- Will train examiners to administer the Initial ELPAC for newcomers beginning June, 2018
Progreso en 2017-2018
- Se compró el currículo ILit para todos los estudiantes ELD. ILit incluye las evaluaciones de lectura BOY, MOY y EOY
- Los maestros recibieron capacitación para usar ILit
- 3 días de capacitación con consultores en vocabulario de ELD, lectura y escritura para maestros de ELD, entrenadores de instrucción, administradores, ayudantes bilingües y maestros principales
- 5 días completos de colaboración entre el director y los jefes de departamento ELD en un nuevo Plan Maestro EL, 2 días con un consultor
- La adopción de 7 periodos al día en todo el distrito para brindarles a todos los estudiantes más oportunidades de aprender
- Escribió una lista de verificación de reclasificación provisional
- Maestros capacitados para administrar la prueba sumativa de ELPAC
- ¡Los estudiantes tomaron el examen por primera vez!
- Se capacitará a los examinadores para administrar el ELPAC inicial para los recién llegados a partir de junio de 2018.
EL Master Plan
5. Debbie Glass reviewed results of ELD student survey. Parents asked that school site be added to survey so we know which sites the survey results are from. Parents would like questions on the California Healthy Kids Survey be more specific so answers are not so vague. Students say there is too much homework. Homework does not have detailed instructions when it is on the website. Parents suggested having a “Support Group” for students who are in AP classes, sports, band and other curricular activities to help with time management/stress. /Debbie Glass revisó los resultados de la encuesta estudiantil de ELD. Los padres preguntaron que se agregará el nombre de la escuela a la encuesta para saber de qué sitios provienen los resultados de la encuesta. Padres les gustaría que las preguntas en la Encuesta California Healthy Kids sean más específicas para que las respuestas no sean tan vagas. Los estudiantes dicen que hay demasiada tarea. La tarea no tiene instrucciones detalladas cuando está en el sitio web. Padres sugirieron tener un "Grupo de Apoyo" para estudiantes que están en clases AP, deportes, banda y otros actividades curriculares para ayudar con la gestión del tiempo / estrés.
6. Certificates presented to Ana Patricia Salcedo and Cecilia Escobedo for attending a minimum of three DELAC meetings this year. Photo taken of DELAC committee. /Certificados presentados a Ana Patricia Salcedo y Cecilia Escobedo por asistir a una un mínimo de tres reuniones de DELAC este año. Foto tomada del comité de DELAC.
7. Topics for Future Meetings/ Temas para futuras reuniones
- Grassroots Parenting
Temas para futuras reuniones / Temas para futuras reuniones
- Crianza de los hijos
Next meeting- Fall 2018, 6:00-7:30 Próxima reunión: Otoño 2018, 6:00-7: 30
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.La reunión se finalizó a las 7:30 p.m.
March 20, 2018
District English Learner Advisory Committee Meeting
March 20, 2018 6:00pm - 7:30pm
District Office Board Room
DELAC Minutes
1. Welcome / Bienvenidos
2. Introductions / Introducciones
3. Review and approve minutes from December 5, 2017 meeting. Motion by Ana Patricia
Salcedo, parent, 2nd by Steve Menezes, A.P. Motion carried./ Revisión y aprobación de los minutos de la reunión del 5 de diciembre de 2017. Moción de Ana Patricia Salcedo, padre, segundo Steve Menezes, A.P.
4. Review of February 28th stakeholder/targeted groups LCAP meeting “Post it Notes” (yellow
sheet) on ideas and suggestions on how to make LCAP better next year. (DTA, Faith in
Merced, CSEA, Bilingual Advisory Group & African American Group).
The March 21st LCAP meeting will consist of recommendations and prioritizing the
suggestions. Suggestions added were:
- Send out student survey. (Ask why students are so stressed.)
- Work w/ Merced College and offer more assistance to college freshman.
Revisión de ideas y sugerencias de la junta de "Notas de Post-it" (hoja amarilla) LCAP para mejorar el próximo año. (DTA, Faith in Merced, CSEA, Grupo Asesor Bilingüe y Grupo Afroamericano).
La reunión LCAP del 21 de marzo consistirá en recomendaciones y priorizar las sugerencias.
Las sugerencias añadidas fueron:
- Enviar la encuesta de estudiantes. (Pregunte por qué los estudiantes están tan estresados).
- Trabajar con Merced College y ofrecer más ayuda al estudiante de primer año de la universidad.
5. Debbie Glass reviewed the CELDT to ELPAC transition timeline and went over the practice
tests in the areas of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The purpose of the practice test is for students and
parents to become familiar with test questions prior to students taking the test. All
information provided on the website is in English and Spanish.
Debbie Glass revisó el cronograma de transición de CELDT a ELPAC y repasó las pruebas
de práctica en las áreas de comprensión auditiva, lectura, escritura y expresión oral: El propósito de la prueba de práctica es que los
estudiantes y padres se familiaricen con las preguntas de la prueba antes de que los
estudiantes tomen la prueba. Toda la información proporcionada en el sitio web está en inglés
y español.
6. Debbie Glass reviewed reports from ILit on Reading, Sentence Comprehension, Passage
Comprehension, Composite Comprehension and Grade Level Equivalent from the Beginning of the Year and Middle of the Year which shows student scores have gone up. There will be one more test at End of the Year. Once results are in we will compare scores.
Debbie Glass repaso los informes de ILit sobre lectura, comprensión de oraciones,
comprensión de pasaje, comprensión compuesta y equivalente de grado desde el
comienzo del año y la mitad del año, que muestra que los puntajes de los alumnos han
aumentado. Habrá una prueba más al final del año. Una vez que los resultados estén
dentro, compararemos puntajes.
7. Parents reviewed ELD Student Survey. A motion was made to accept the ELD Student
Assessment Survey by Lorena Serna, parent and 2nd by Maria de Gonzalez. Motion carried.
Los padres revisaron la Encuesta de Estudiantes de ELD. Se hizo una moción para aceptar
la Encuesta de Evaluación de Estudiantes de ELD por Lorena Serna, madre y 2da por Maria
de Gonzalez. Movimiento llevado
8. Topics for future meetings: Temas para reuniones futuras:
- Reclassification Criteria A. Criterios de Reclasificación
B. Grassroots Parenting B. Crianza de los hijos
9. Next Meeting: May 8, 2018, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Próxima reunión: 8 de mayo de 2018, de 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m.
10. Meeting adjourned 7:27p.m. / Se suspende la sesión a las 7:27 p.m.
Dec 5, 2017
District English Learner Advisory Committee Meeting
December 5, 2017 6:00-7:30pm
District Office Board Room
- Welcome/ Bienvenida
2. Introductions/ Introducciones
Associate Principals from ECHS, GVHS, MHS, BCHS, LHS, 3 0 (AHS,
BCHS) & 3 community liaisons, Debbie Glass & Debbie Perez./Directores Asociados de las escuelas ECHS, GVHS, MHS, BCHS, LHS, tres padres representantes, tres enlaces comunitarios, Debbie Glass y Debbie Perez.
3. Review and approve minutes from Sept. 19, 2017 meeting. Motion by Steve Menezes, 2nd by
Alexie Parle./ Revisión y aprobación de los minutos de la reunión del 19 de septiembre de
2017. Steve Menezes hizo una moción para aprobar los minutos de 9/12/17, 2do por Alexie Parle.
4. Review of DELAC/ ELAC Roles and Responsibilities/ Revisión de funciones y
Responsabilidades de los miembros de DELAC/ELAC.
5. CELDT to ELPAC Transition timeline. ELPAC pilot was given last year. Spring 2018 the real
ELPAC will be given which will give us information for re-Classification for English
Learners./CELDT a ELPAC Cronograma de transición. ELPAC fue un programa piloto dado el ano pasado. Durante la Primavera del 2018, el verdadero ELPAC se dara que dara informacion sobre la clasificación para estudiantes aprendiendo ingles.
6. MUHSD LCAP Plan - LCAP/DELAC meeting is February 28, 2018. Mr. Costa Aguilar will lead
the meeting. DELAC is required to give their ideas for LCAP. This past Fall every site had 2
meetings each. In the Spring, we will have Community LCAP meetings which includes
DELAC./Plan LCAP de MUHSD - Reunion de LCAP/DELAC es el 28 de febrero de 2018. El
Sr. Costa Aguilar dirigirá la reunión. DELAC está obligado a compartir sus ideas para el LCAP. Este pasado otoño cada escuela tuvo two juntas de LCAP. Durant la primavera, tendremos Reuniones Comunitarias para el LCAP que incluyera a DELAC.
7. Curriculum Update/ Actualización del currículo - Purchasing iLit was the first thing the district
has done to change the ELD Program. In addition, we are working with Dr. Maria Trejo,
consultant for ExC-ELL to redesign the entire program. This year all 9th & 10th grade ELD
students have been put into CTE or/and elective class. AHS has some Integrated ELD classes;
Teachers who are bilingual and use their bilingual skills in the classroom teaching Social
Studies, Math, etc. It is very important for parents to become involved in the curriculum update
The ELD department heads and Debbie Glass visited Grace Davis High School in Modesto last
week to observe their Language Institute. All ELD students go to one campus, this is a similar
design to what our district has been thinking about for our ELD program.
It was recommended by Maria Trejo that our district write a vision or mission statement for the
District ELD Program. Six mission statements were reviewed. Majority in attendance voted for
#3 mission statement which reads:
Comprar iLit fue lo primero que el distrito ha hecho para cambiar el programa ELD. Además,
estamos trabajando con la Dra. Maria Trejo, consultora de ExC-ELL para rediseñar todo el
programa. Este año todos los estudiantes ELD de 9 ° y 10 ° grado han sido puestos en clases de CTE y/o electivas. AHS tiene algunas clases integradas de ELD donde los maestros bilingües usan sus habilidades bilingües en su enseñanza de Estudios Sociales, Matemáticas, etc. Es muy importante que los padres participen en el proceso de la actualización del plan de estudios.
Los jefes de departamento de ELD y Debbie Glass visitaron a la preparatoria Grace Davis High
School en Modesto la semana pasada para observar su Language Institute. Todos los estudiantes de ELD van a un solo campus, este es un diseño similar al que nuestro distrito ha estado pensado implementar.
Maria Trejo recomendó que nuestro distrito escribiera una declaración de visión o declaración de misión para el Programa ELD del distrito. Seis declaraciones de misión fueron revisadas. La mayoría de los presente votaron a favor de la Declaración de misión # 3 que dice:
The MUHSD ELD program vision is to ensure EL students master the English language by providing equal access to relevant, challenging and innovative curriculum. The district recognizes each student’s unique cultural identity and linguistic attributes by promoting respect, self advocacy and providing a socially, culturally supportive environment to ensure academic success and social acceptance. La visión del programa MUHSD ELD es garantizar que los estudiantes de EL dominen el idioma inglés al proporcionando acceso equitativo a un currículo relevante, desafiante e innovador. El distrito reconoce la identidad cultural y los atributos lingüísticos únicos de cada alumno y lo hace promoviendo el respeto, la autodefensa y proporcionando un entorno de apoyo social y cultural para garantizar el éxito académico y la aceptación social. |
At the next ELD Department Head meeting they will look at the #3 mission statement and
make it into more user friendly version.
In 2018-19 all schools except El Capitan High School will be changing their schedule to a 7
period day to accommodate all students to add a CTE or elective class to their schedule.
In 2019-2020 the district will be in position to implement all changes to the ELD Program./
En la próxima reunión de los jefes de departamento de ELD, ellos verán la declaración de misión #3 y lo cambiaran a una versión más amigable para el usuario. Durante el año escolar del 2018-19, todas las escuelas excepto la preparatoria de El Capitan High School cambiarán su horario a un dia de 7 periodos/cursos por dia para acomodar a todos los estudiantes para que puedan agregar una clase de CTE o electiva a su horario de clases.
Durante el ano escolar del 2019-2020, el distrito implementará todos los cambios al Programa ELD.
8. Proposition 58- Understanding the New Law/Proposición 58/Comprender la nueva ley - Prop
58 - was approved in the November 2016 election. It is now called the Ed.G.E. Initiative,
“Education for a Global Economy”. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that all children in
California public schools receive the highest quality education, master the English language,
and access high-quality, innovative, and research-based language programs that prepare them
to participate in a global economy. School districts in California must consider starting a
language acquisition program if 30 pupils or more per school or 20 pupils or more in any grade
make a request. School districts must develop processes and procedures for parents to
request a language acquisition program. Parents and the community may provide input to
school districts as part of the parent and community engagement process required for the
development of the LCAP.
Proposición 58 fue aprobado en las elecciones de noviembre de 2016. Ahora se llama
Iniciativa EDGE lo que significa “Educación para una economía global.” El propósito de esta
nueva iniciativa es darle a todos los alumnos de las escuelas públicas de California una
educación de la más alta calidad, dominación del idioma inglés,y acceso a programas de
idiomas de alta calidad e innovadores basados en investigaciones que los preparan para
participar en una economía global. Los distritos escolares en California deben considerar
comenzar una programa de adquisición del idioma si 30 alumnos o más por escuela, o 20
alumnos o más en cualquier grado lo solicitan. Los distritos escolares deben desarrollar procesos y procedimientos que usen los padres para solicitar un programa de adquisición de idiomas. Los padres y la comunidad pueden proporcionarle información a los distritos escolares como parte del proceso de participación requerida para el desarrollo del LCAP.
9. Topics for Future Meetings/Temas para reuniones en el futuro - None/Ninguna
10. Next meeting/Próxima reunión - February 28, 2018, 5:30pm - 7:00pm at MUHSD Board Room,
3430 A Street, Atwater
11. Meeting adjourned/Reunión aplazada 7:37pm.
Sept 19, 2017
District English Learner Advisory Committee Meeting
September 19, 2017 6:00-7:30pm
District Office Board Room
1. Welcome/ Bienvenida
2. Introductions/ Presentaciones
3. DELAC Roles and Responsibilities/ Función y Responsabilidades de los miembros de DELAC
4. CELDT to ELPAC Transition timeline/ CELDT a ELPAC Cronograma de transicíon
6. Curriculum Update/ Actualización del currículo
7. Proposition 58
8. Topics for Future Meetings/ Temas para futuras reuniones
9. Meeting adjourned at ________________pm.
Meeting Minutes
- Welcome/ Bienvenida
2. Introductions/ Presentaciones
- Associate Principals from El Capitan, Golden Valley, Atwater, Merced, Yosemite, Buhach Colony and Livingston, 5 parent representatives (LHS,AHS, GVHS, BCHS & MHS), 2 translators were present.
3.Review of DELAC/ ELAC Roles and Responsibilities/ Función y Responsabilidades de los miembros de DELAC
4. Review of CELDT to ELPAC Transition timeline/ CELDT a ELPAC Cronograma de transicíon Three year assessment time line distributed. Transition started 2016-17 and will be complete in 2018-19.
5. Review of MUHSD LCAP Plan/ MUHSD Plan ELCAP on MUHSD website and Data Dashboard.
6. Curriculum Update/ Actualización del currículo
Introduced new curriculum for ELD students; iLit & Edge. Parents are welcome to visit school sites to watch students use the programs. All 9th & 10th ELL students will have an elective class of their choice with CTE in mind. District is offering a 3 day “bootcamp” for ELD teachers; ExC-ELL 101 with Margarita Calderon, PhD, is professor and senior research scientist at the John Hopkins University School of Education and written numerous books on improving English Language Learners.
Distributed MUHSD ELD Department professional development calendar.
7. Proposition 58 = more bilingual education. Working with Corwin consultants and planning committee.
8. Topics for Future Meetings/ Temas para futuras reuniones
Updated Data Dashboard
CA Healthy Kids Survey
9. Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm.
Next meeting- December 5, 2017 6:00-7:30
Minutes from Past DELAC Meetings
The Merced Union High School District invites parents, teachers, students and community stakeholders to participate in the review and development of the Local Control Accountability Plan. We look forward to the successful implementation of our plan, as well as the community’s thoughts and ideas toward increasing student achievement and enhancing services for our students.