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Stay connected to MUHSD with one link!

MUHSD now has a Linktree on all social media platform bios! Have access to the most current registration forms, quick links, videos, podcasts, & event information for the 2023-24 school year.

MUHSD Linktree


School Calendar


IHS Vision Scoreboard

  IHS District
Graduation Rate (Class of 2023) 94.8% 94.7%
Students earning college credit (2022-23)* 1 1,112
Certifications (2022-23)* 6 1,935

*Unduplicated and all grade levels

MUHSD Instruction & Intervention

All MUHSD students prepare for college and careers through rigorous, relevant instruction.


Career Technical Education is a course of study that provides academic and technical knowledge and skills.


The LCAP is a three-year plan to address state and local priorities in an effort to improve student outcomes.

Parents & Community

MUHSD will involve all stakeholders to ensure the success of all aspects of the district.

Employment Opportunities

MUHSD is committed to recruiting and retaining highly-qualified staff.

School Board

Explore agendas and minutes, board policies, meeting dates, and board of trustee information