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Graduation Exception for Special Populations

Helping Students Graduate and Obtain Higher Education 

  1. Enrollment Procedures for Foster Youth

    • Diagram Foster Youth: 

      1. STRTP → Sandra Stevens → Student w/IEP → Melissa Bowler → Makes recommendation on enrollment

      2. STRTP → Sandra Stevens → Student w/o IEP → Katina Austin → Makes recommendation on enrollment

      3. Resource Family → School Site → Student with or without IEP → School Site Enrolls → Information forward to Katina Austin 

  2. Enrollment Procedures Bright Paths Youth (Homeless)

    • Diagram for Homeless/Displaced Students:

      1. McKinney-Vento/Homeless → Immediate Enrollment (McKinney-Vento Act Guidelines) → Notify Homeless Liaison and Counselor  → Service Rendering (Community and School Based Services) 

      2. Unaccompanied Youth  → Immediate Enrollment (McKinney-Vento Act Guidelines) → Notify Homeless Liaison and Counselor  → Service Rendering (Community and School Based Services)

      3. Special Education → Identify (McKinney-Vento and Special Education) → Registrar notifies Homeless Liaison, School Psychologies, and Counselor → IEP/504 team schedules a meeting within 30 days

      4. Immediate enrollment → Without immunization records → Notify School Nurse and Homeless Liaison→ the family has a 30-day grace period to obtain records → School staff & homeless liaison provides community resources to obtain record (Clinics and/or Health Department.)

Transfers of Coursework, Credits, and Schools:

Reduced Graduation Requirements Process: