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Guarantee of Services

Once a candidate is accepted and enrolls in the MUHSD Induction Program, the candidate is assured that the program will meet the adopted standards until the candidate:

 i. completes the program;

ii. withdraws from the program; 

iii. is dropped from the program based on established criteria; or

iv. is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements, with minimal disruption, for the authorization.


In the event that MUHSD must discontinue its Induction Program, candidates will complete the program as follows:

  • Incoming new hires will begin and complete induction through the Merced County Office of Education, as will those candidates who are utilizing the Early Completion Option (ECO).

  • If it is possible, current candidates who complete YR 1 will remain with MUHSD Induction in order to complete YR 2. The district will continue to provide well-matched mentors. At the end of year 2, candidates will participate in exit interviews and upon successful completion be recommended for the Clear credential.

  • However, should the program have to close immediately, YR 1 candidates will complete the year with MUHSD. At the conclusion of YR 1, each candidate will receive a transition plan in the form of a transfer document with information indicating their level of completion in the program. 

Candidates who need proof that they completed YR 1 of an Induction Program must have the induction coordinator in their new district request that record in writing.  At that time , the MUHSD Induction Program Assistant will complete a transfer document with the appropriate information. The MUHSD Induction Program maintains digital records on all individuals participating in the program using a secure server.