- Lincoln County R-III School District
- Homepage
Troy Middle School
713 West College Street
Troy, MO 63379
(636) 462-4934
School Hours:
M, Tu, Th, Fr-7:15 AM to 2:15 PM
Wednesday-7:15 AM to 1:05 PM
All campuses in the Lincoln County R-III School District will be utilizing the following new procedure for school visitors.
All visitors will be required to sign-in using the LobbyGuard Visitor Management system and scan their driver’s license. If the visitor does not have a driver’s license, another form of valid photo ID will be required. Following the sign-in process, a visitor badge will be printed and is to be worn at all times while on school property. Any visitor who is not wearing a visitor badge will be escorted to the main office.
Prior to leaving the school, all visitors must visit the main office and sign out using the LobbyGuard system. Main office staff will be available to answer questions and provide assistance as needed.Thank you for your cooperation as we strive to continue providing the most secure learning environment possible for our students.