• Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study
    Community Forum No. 1
    November 13, 2017
    Questions and Answers

    1. Will the Commons Area be noisy?
    The Commons will be acoustically designed to function within appropriate noise levels.

    2. Will the project be sustainable and energy efficient?
    Yes, the MSBA supports a sustainable and energy efficient project and will provide an additional 2%
    reimbursement for achieving this goal.

    3. Will there be Outdoor Learning Spaces included in the project?
    Yes, there will be outdoor learning spaces that will be integral to the design.

    4. Who will be the final decision maker on the Preferred Option?
    The School Building Committee will be the decision maker, with input from the community, educators,
    officials and students.

    5. Are the school principals involved in the decision process?
    Yes, all three Middle School principals are on the School Building Committee.

    6. Will the design be flexible to adapt to changing educational approaches over time?
    Yes, the design will be flexible to accommodate changing educational approaches.

    7. What is the vision for all of Framingham’s schools, not just Fuller?
    Dr. Tremblay is hosting Community Educational Visioning Forums on November 14, 15, and 16 at
    Hemenway, Barbieri and Woodrow Wilson Elementary Schools to discuss Framingham Public Schools
    strategic plan for the schools.