Fairport Central School District

Message from the Superintendent – Additional statement on racially-charged incident at Wednesday’s basketball game

Dear Fairport students, staff and community members, 

I am writing this to shed more light on a situation that has developed over the past week and has affected many of our Fairport students and families. 

Yesterday, I sent out a joint message with the Superintendent of the Victor Central School District to bring awareness to a racially-charged incident that happened on Wednesday night at Fairport High School during a Boys Varsity basketball game.


Message from the Superintendent – Racist incident at last night’s Varsity basketball game

Dear Fairport community,

Click here to view a joint statement from my office and the office of the Superintendent of the Victor Central School District regarding an incident at Wednesday’s Boys Varsity Basketball game.

The contents of the message are also copied below.

Thank you,


Board of Education considering options for merger of Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School

District leaders along with officials from Campus Construction and LaBella Associates presented the Board of Education with five options for the merger of Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School. At Monday’s workshop, the Board reaffirmed its commitment to the merger and will consider the five options up to the Board meeting on Tuesday,


Fairport’s 2023-2024 kindergarten registration begins in February

Children who will be five years old, on or before Dec. 1, 2023, are eligible to attend kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year at Fairport Central School District. The District is encouraging parents/guardians to register their child during Kindergarten Registration, which begins in February.

Parents will need to register at the school that their child will attend (see below for specific information for each school).


Message from the Superintendent – Learn more about the 2023-2024 budget process on Feb. 1

Dear Fairport families, 

It’s hard to believe we are almost through the month of January and at the midpoint of our year – we’re proud of talented students and grateful for our dedicated staff as memories are made during this school year!

Budget Development and MD/FHS Merger

There are several upcoming opportunities for you and your families to learn more about the next steps in both the merger of Minerva DeLand AND the development of the 2023-2024 school budget.


Message to our Fairport community from Superintendent Provenzano

Dear Fairport families, 

We believe that students need tools, resources and safe environments to understand the implications of events that affect the conscience of our nation and beyond. These events span global and geopolitical conflict to unrest and discrimination across our nation, to the deep harms of violence,


Community members invited to 2023-2024 Budget Forum on February 1, contribute to ThoughtExchange


Join the Fairport Board of Education and District administrators on Wednesday, February 1 in the Fairport High School cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. for a Community Forum on the 2023-2024 School Budget! This is an opportunity for residents to ask questions and provide feedback in the development of the District’s 2023-2024 budget.


Erica Belois-Pacer approved as new Fairport Board of Education President

Congratulations to Erica Belois-Pacer for her appointment to the Presidency of the Fairport Board of Education.

At the January Board of Education Business Meeting, then-President Peter Forsgren announced his intention to step down from the Presidency of the Fairport BoE. The Board immediately nominated then-Vice President Erica Belois-Pacer to serve as the new President and Peter Forsgren to serve as Vice President.


Fairport High School musicians selected to perform with top student ensembles

Two high school students stand in front of a brick wall. The student on the left is a young woman with curly dark hair. She is holding the neck of a violin. The student on the right is a young man. He has blond hair and is holding an oboe.

Two Fairport High School seniors will take the stage this spring in a celebration of music education, and in recognition of their own accomplishments. Noor Rouhana (violin) and Reid Canham (oboe) were selected to perform and represent Fairport in the upcoming National Association for Music Education All-Eastern Conference. 

Rouhana and Canham’s paths to All-Eastern are studies of perseverance and of joy.