Fairport Central School District

District leaders along with officials from Campus Construction and LaBella Associates presented the Board of Education with five options for the merger of Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School. At Monday’s workshop, the Board reaffirmed its commitment to the merger and will consider the five options up to the Board meeting on Tuesday, February 14, at which time the members will vote to move forward with one of the options. 

The Board’s priorities for these options are:

    1. Merger of Minerva DeLand and FHS
    2. Reducing tax impact
    3. Modernization of learning environments

Over the course of the facilities planning process, each option was developed with stakeholder input, along with building condition survey data and responses to the Fairport Forward 2022 exit poll. 

Each option establishes a timeline for merging our ninth-grade class with Fairport High School, while detailing the costs of both necessary and optimal renovations for both the district and the potential for tax impact on community members. Four of the five options call for a merger by the 2026-2027 school year.

Click here to view the five options presented to the Board. 

Join us on February 14 at the Fairport High School Cafeteria for the regularly-scheduled BOE Business meeting at which time the Board will have further discussion and actions on this topic.

30 minutes are set aside on regular meeting agendas to provide public comment by District employees and residents only. Members of the public are invited to sign up to speak at the meeting. Speakers shall have a maximum of three (3) minutes each. Those who wish to speak during the public comments must sign up in advance. For more information on this process, contact the District Clerk at (585) 421-2010.