Fairport Central School District

A group of students sit on the floor and look over books while a second group stands and looks at posters taped to library shelves

Eighth grade Social Studies students at Martha Brown Middle School took on a challenge: identify and recognize groups of people that were discriminated against throughout history. This week, students were divided into teams to research the the context and results of that discrimination. “The Chasing the American Dream” encourages students to practice their historical literacy and research skills as they dig for answers about oppression and historically marginalized groups, and how that oppression has shaped our country today.

Students compiled what they learned and made posters to educate their peers.

“Part of their grade, along with the poster and the research, is how they’re being tolerant and respectful of others,” said social studies teacher Renee Santoleri. “Because that’s really the whole purpose of learning about different cultures is to learn how to tolerate others despite their differences and they are doing a fantastic job. The collaboration is amazing.” 

The gallery of student work will move from the Martha Brown library to the hallways to showcase their research.