Fairport Central School District

What if a conversation could help move a community forward toward positive change? The National SEED Project – Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED) believes dialogue can do that and more, and now you are invited to be part of this progress. For the first time, SEED training sessions are open to Fairport parents and community members. 

SEED is a peer-led professional development program that promotes change through self-reflection and interpersonal dialogue and builds capacity for more equitable communities. In practice, it provides a safe space in which all voices can be heard and creates a greater comfort level for engaging in “difficult conversations.” Participants will examine their own stories and walk through ways to turn oppression and privilege into agency and action. 

There are three upcoming SEED sessions for parents and members of the community:

Session #1: Identity/Who are you?

  • November 28

Each of us have many “identities” to describe who we are and how we relate to other people. During this session we will explore those various identities and consider how they can be both “windows and mirrors” for looking at the world around us.


Session #2: The Single Story

  • January 18

Part of the National Day of Racial Healing Events

It is very easy to fall into a pattern of only seeing/understanding a small part of another person’s story or life experiences. We will talk about expanding our ability to move beyond those “single stories” and see our own community in a more holistic, inclusive way.


Session #3: Ability/Disability

  • February 13

One of the lesser-talked about topics within equity work is “ability” and “disability.” Being committed to equity and access for all means we look critically at the ways we support individuals with visible and invisible disabilities within our community.


Each session is from 6-7:30 p.m. and will be held in the large group instruction room at Minerva DeLand School. Space is limited to 20 people per meeting. Child care and light refreshments will be provided.

For planning purposes, we request that participants register in advance to attend sessions. You can sign up here: https://forms.gle/EFHthKGvkESysBQM7

The program has been offered to and utilized by Fairport educators since 2015. SEED programing supports Fairport’s updated Strategic Plan:

  • Commit to culturally responsive teaching and data-informed practices
  • Engage in professional learning to support the changing demands of education
  • Be seen and valued for who they are (students, staff, and parents)