Fairport Central School District

Yesterday’s tragedy in Texas and the recent horrific event in Buffalo are disheartening, unsettling and evoke a wide range of emotions that may impact our ability to focus on our daily lives.

Schools are supposed to be sanctuaries for learning and a symbol of hope for our democracy – a safe, healthy place for our children to thrive. Violence in any setting is not acceptable – and when it happens in our schools, we all feel helpless, vulnerable and compromised.

Everything we do in Fairport is geared toward creating safe, affirming and welcoming environments that connect each student to greater experiences. These are not just words – they are layered with intentional programming and expectations that hinge on the fundamental principle of developing connections in our school communities – nobody does this better than our Fairport educators and staff.

Recently, Sam Farina, a former local law enforcement officer, was hired in Fairport to serve as our full-time Safety and Security Coordinator. Even before his new role, he helped us align our safety and security efforts to best practices. Building Emergency Response Teams meet monthly and the District Wide Safety Committee meets quarterly to assess our emergency plans. 

Everyone in our buildings has a role to ensure the safety and security of our school communities. You will have seen many of these measures in place every time you visit your student’s school: a culture of vigilance, locked doors, visitor check-in procedures and rapid communication between administrators and teachers when any anomalies happen. Prevention and mitigation remain the fundamental strategies in our safety plan to ensure our safety and security in our schools.

You also may have heard that we have many facilities projects in the works to enhance safety and security, including the addition of secure vestibules, additional video cameras, and classroom fob access.

Please remember, you, as a family member of a Fairport student, are one of the most important factors in student safety and wellness at school. Be visible and accessible, pay close attention to your student’s conversations with friends and peers, social media posts, know when they are “on” and when they are “off.” Reach out to support networks in the District and your family’s health providers if you suspect something is “not right” with your student.

Our newly developed Code of Conduct, Character, and Support and Strategic Plan will be unveiled this summer and are based on restorative principles and the importance of strong connections with students both in the home and in the classroom. 

Again, it is worth mentioning, we have strong relationships with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and Fairport Village Police Department. We are always interacting with them to support safe environments for before-, during- and after-school events. Each building has access to a Behavior Intervention Team in which district administrators, school based mental health team members, community mental health experts and the law enforcement meet regularly to proactively discuss students and ways to intentionally intervene and support a student who is struggling. 

Administrators and mental health professionals are well versed in the principles of threat assessment and are tied into a network of community resources of support. 

As a reminder to all school and community members, if you “See Something, Say Something”. Please continue to reiterate this message and share it with your family and friends.

Fairport Central School District is here to support you and your family through the coming days of mourning, reflection, worry, and uncertainty. We have invested in mental health staff who are trained in response to trauma and grief. We also have a strong partnership with the Expanded School Mental Health Team at UR Medicine. If you or your family need support through these events, or at any time, please reach out to your school directly. 

Here are some resources, recommended by UR Medicine, to support your conversations at home: 

National Child Traumatic Stress Network – School Shooting Resources

Safe and Sound SchoolsFounded by parents who lost children at Sandy Hook School in collaboration with the National Center for School Mental Health, Safe and Sound is a national non-profit school safety advocacy and resource center that provides research-based tools and supports for crisis prevention, response, and recovery, helping to protect every school, every student, every day.

During hard times, let’s continue to provide venues of support, understanding and grace. Strong families celebrate and struggle together and we are a strong family bound by our common values and affinity for the Fairport School Community. This is how we will move through this time together. 

Please reach out to your building level administrator or Sam Farina directly at sfarina@fairport.org if you have any questions or need to process your feelings and these events further. In addition, we would like to offer families an opportunity to learn about how the district is prioritizing safe, welcoming and affirming learning environments in all of our schools. More information will be shared soon on this event.  




Brett Provenzano        Sam Farina                                            Deborah Miles

Supt. of Schools          Safety and Security Coordinator       Director of Student Services