Fairport Central School District

The District’s instructional technology team will be hosting the Dealing with Digital Drama: A Workshop for Parents event on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at Fairport High School Room 512 from 7-8 p.m. for parents of 9-12th graders.

How can parents help guide their children through this unpredictable digital world? This workshop will help parents to:

  • Reinforce school based digital citizenship curriculum and messaging
  • Encourage children to take a break—and a breath—before responding to online situations.
  • Help children practice what they would say to someone in person—not just from behind a keyboard – when responding to online situations.
  • Assist children in making a plan to have an in-person conversation, even though it’s hard.
  • Use settings and in-app tools to try to stop online drama in its tracks.

Click here to RSVP or for more information, contact Instructional Technology Coach Nate Ruder at nruder@fairport.org