Fairport Central School District

The Diversity Council is a collaboration between the Fairport Central School District and parents/community members. It acts as an advisory group to the Superintendent on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The Council may address topics such as:

• District policies and procedures
• Systemic movement toward culturally responsive practices in areas such as curriculum, pedagogy, discipline, school climate, service delivery, etc.
• Professional learning
• Recruitment and retention of a diverse staff
• Review of district data related to student performance and outcomes
• Including and nurturing student voice
• Additional areas as identified by the Council and/or Superintendent of Schools

Community members who are interested in being on the Diversity Council should fill out this form. After we receive your information we will schedule a time to meet. We are looking for individuals with varied and diverse life experiences and professional experiences to join the Diversity Council.

We ask that Diversity Council members give two years of volunteer service (2021-2022 and 2022-2023) and meet approximately once a month as a large group. Sub-committees or smaller work groups may decide on additional meetings per month. We have many returning members and are looking to bring on about 8 to 10 new members at this time.

Please submit this interest form by October 29, 2021

If you have any additional questions, please contact Kelly Weishaar (kweishaar@fairport.org).