Fairport Central School District

Dr. Brian Moritz

The Fairport Central School District’s Board of Education will appoint Dr. Brian Moritz as a new board member at its October 4, 2021 Board of Education Workshop, with his term beginning immediately. Dr. Moritz replaces Mr. Tim Slisz who resigned from his Board of Education seat in July 2021.

When a Board member resigns before the end of the three-year term, the Board may appoint an interim successor who will serve until the next school district election the following May. The three-year term for Mr. Slisz is set to expire in June 2022. Dr. Moritz will serve until that time and may choose to run for a full three-year term in the May 2022 school budget vote and board election.

For questions or more information about the Fairport Board of Education, contact the District Clerk at (585) 421-2010.

Below is a message from the Board of Education welcoming Dr. Moritz:

The Fairport CSD Board of Education would like to welcome Dr. Brian Moritz as our newest member. Dr. Moritz will be filling the seat vacated by Mr. Tim Slisz this past summer and will be officially sworn in at the Board of Education Workshop on Monday, October 4. 

Dr. Moritz brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our District. He currently serves as the Director of Online Journalism MA Programs at St. Bonaventure University. He has been a dedicated volunteer in our District through both the Dudley and Northside PTAs and additionally gives of his time to Fairport’s Spotlight Studios for the Performing Arts. Dr. Moritz is dedicated to ensuring all children in our District have access to inclusive and equitable learning opportunities. He resides in Fairport with his wife and daughter. 

The Board of Education would like to thank the community members who applied to serve to fill this position. After the application process, the Board dedicated numerous hours to interviewing prospective candidates to ensure their values and goals aligned strongly with those of our community. 

We hope you will join us in welcoming Dr. Brian Moritz and we thank him for his willingness to serve his community in this role!