Fairport Central School District

Dear Families:

We look forward to the start of the school for all of our students on Thursday, September 9. At this point next month, ALL of our students and staff will be together; this is exciting news that is worth celebrating!

With no specific NYS Department of Health guidance, the State Education Department, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the NYS Department of Health and the Monroe County Department of Health have recommended schools base their reopening plans on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance released in July. Therefore, based on the CDC guidance, the following precautions will be in place when our Fairport schools open on Thursday, September 9:

  • Universal masking while indoors for all students and staff regardless of vaccination status will be required. Mask breaks will be incorporated throughout the day. Masking will be optional when outdoors. This policy will be reviewed and evaluated every five weeks or sooner if necessary.
  • Physical distancing of 3-feet in classrooms or to the greatest extent possible; 6-feet when eating and any other time masks must be removed such as in music ensembles.
  • Hand washing reminders to students, and explicit hand washing instruction for our youngest students. Hand sanitizing stations will also be available.
  • Sanitizing classrooms, offices, buses, and high traffic areas will occur regularly.
  • For optimal ventilation, we will utilize our building management system to maximize fresh air exchanges without compromising other health and safety measures.
  • Masks will be required on buses, with windows open to increase air flow.
  • Visitors will be allowed to schools with restrictions.

While universal masking and distancing to the greatest extent possible this year, we will be:

  • Permitting parent volunteers in our K-5 classrooms when possible and safe.
  • Offering school related field trips, when possible and safe.
  • Providing in-person extracurricular clubs, activities, and athletics. There will be additional guidance forthcoming for music and athletics.
  • Allowing in-person open houses and back to school events when possible and safe.

These plans are fluid, and how we start the school year on September 9 may change as the local COVID-19 infection rates change. We will continue to review and adjust these protocolos as the school year progresses.

Read more about our reopening plans and protocols in our 2021-22 School Reopening web page (including an FAQ and other useful resources).

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to navigate our reopening plans.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools