Fairport Central School District

June 28, 2021 – Congratulations

Dear Families: 

Congratulations to the Fairport High School (FHS) Class of 2021!  Many of our families celebrated the FHS Commencement for the Class of 2021 last night at Frontier Field. The event can be viewed by clicking here. The Class of 2021 is forever etched in our hearts and is now a part of the dynamic and rich legacy that makes up our Fairport school community. We wish all of the graduates true happiness and fulfillment with their endeavors as they move onto the next chapter of their lives! You can see a gallery of social media posts celebrating the Class of 2021 throughout last week here.

As we close the 2020-21 school year, we also celebrated our employees who have moved on to retirement. These retirees – teachers, staff, and administrators – are the educators who have touched the lives of thousands of students in many different ways over many years. 

Even though we are now in summer break, our custodial staff has already started preparing for Opening Day in September! Please be aware that some of our buildings, particularly FHS beginning this week, will be going through construction as part of the voter-approved 2019 Capital Improvement Project. Click here for more information about this project.

I am humbled and full of gratitude for the tremendous way we navigated this very different and challenging school year. We started the year with uncertainty and finished strong with a resounding Fairport Spirit! As we concluded the year, there was plenty of laughter and joy throughout our schools that will provide a pathway for a restorative summer and for our full return in the fall. It is a privilege to work alongside our incredible and resilient staff and students in partnership with our  dynamic and caring Fairport families. Our irrepressible Fairport community spirit and love for our students moved us through the school year; this same energy will keep moving us forward into tomorrow. 

Throughout the summer, I anticipate sharing information with all of you about the 2021-22 school year as we continue to evolve out of the pandemic and return to normalcy. Until then, enjoy the pace of the summer; may you have a healthy, safe and enjoyable summer break.


Brett Provenzano 

Superintendent of Schools