Fairport Central School District

Candidate Donald Kords withdrew his candidacy from the Fairport Board of Education (BOE) election, effective May 11, 2021. Donald Kords is no longer a candidate in the election pursuant to Education Law §2018.

Although the District previously printed and prepared ballots, it is now working to reprint them.  Residents who previously received an absentee ballot will be provided with a new absentee ballot.  If the new absentee ballot is not returned to the District in time, the District will count the original absentee ballot. Should the new absentee ballot be returned to the District in time it will discard the original ballot and replace the original ballot with the new ballot, such that no voter will be allowed to cast two ballots.

Fairport residents will be asked to elect two (2) individuals out of the now four candidates running for the two open positions in the May 18, 2021 election. The four candidates running for the BOE are listed here in the order that they will appear on the ballot:

  1. Dr. Mary Caitlin Wight
  2. Stacy Schell
  3. Nathanael Brown
  4. Peter Forsgren

Click here to read the biographies on each of the four candidates running for the Board of Education in the May 18, 2021 election. This document was revised on May 12, 2021 after Donald Kords withdrew his candidacy.