Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport Community:

It is hard to believe that one year ago this weekend was when our lives changed. 

Thank you to those who joined me this week for our Virtual Community MeetingI hope it provided some clarity on our plans moving forward. For those who did not participate in the forum, in summary: pending approval/guidance from the NYSDOH, the District is planning to reopen all of our schools K-12 to 5 days a week, in-person learning between April 19 through May 3.  

Click here to watch the replay from this week’s forum on our District YouTube page.

Click here to read a Community Q&A of the top questions we received this week.

I also shared information about our Return to School Advisory Committees and timeline. We had an overwhelming response – more than 200 community members applied to provide their perspectives around returning to school to full time. We are contacting those who have been selected and appreciate everyone’s interest. 

School Reopening Timeline

  • March 9: Parent survey administered – survey closes by Sunday, March 14 at 9 p.m. 
  • March 10: Virtual Community Meeting (YouTube) – 6:30 p.m.
  • March 11-12: District will notify Advisory Committee volunteers 
  • March 18: First Advisory Committee Meeting 
  • March 23: Second Advisory Committee Meeting
  • March 24: Special BOE Meeting discussing a return to in-person learning (YouTube live)
  • March 25: Community Meeting (to share where we are) – (YouTube live)

For those who need to complete the survey, please do so by accessing it through your ParentSquare account. The deadline to complete the survey is Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 9 p.m. If you have trouble accessing ParentSquare, please contact helpdesk@fairport.org.

This was an optimistic and hopeful week for the Fairport community as we established a pathway for a potential return to fully opened schools. I continue to be grateful for our dedicated and resilient staff, students and their families. Thank you for your partnership and collaboration as we continue to progress this school year.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools