Fairport Central School District

March 26, 2021

Dear Fairport Community:

Thank you to those who joined me last night for our Virtual Community Meeting. For those who did not participate in the forum, in summary: Beginning on Monday, April 19, 2021 all Fairport students will begin five days per week of either in-person or 100% fully virtual instruction.

For your planning purposes, we are changing the following three dates to student instructional asynchronous learning days in the calendar for teacher planning:

  • Friday, April 16 
  • Wednesday, April 21 
  • Wednesday, April 28

As discussed this past week in multiple forums, on March 19 the CDC shifted distancing guidelines from 6-feet to 3-feet. While New York State DOH has yet to issue updated guidance on this change, we are moving forward with our planning to return to full-time instruction. The Monroe County superintendents have sent a letter to the Governor and NYSDOH urging them to provide clear guidance as we prepare to return (click here to read). We are planning to submit our updated reopening plan to the NYSED by April 5 with the intent to begin full-time, 5-day instruction (in-person or fully virtual) beginning on April 19.

The following links provide detailed information on our return to full-time plans:

The District is requesting that parents/guardians confirm instructional and transportation decisions by April 6 at 9 p.m. for each child who attends a Fairport school in order to finalize the District’s plan to return to full-time instruction beginning on Monday, April 19.

To assist with the District planning, if we do not receive your final decision by April 6, your child will be moved from hybrid learning to full-time in-person. If they are already enrolled in a virtual environment, they will continue in that setting. 

Thank you in advance for your participation and partnership as we transition our students back to school. I hope you and your children have a restful Spring Recess next week. I look forward to seeing our students return on Monday, April 5.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools