Fairport Central School District

The following message was sent to all parents regarding Wednesday in-person instruction, beginning on March 17:

February 9, 2021

Dear Fairport Families:

As we continue to prove that our schools are healthy and safe environments and as infection rates decline and vaccination numbers rise, we are hopeful that the Governor and Department of Health (DOH) will be able to reassess its position on distancing requirements and provide clarity to a pathway for a safe return to school. Our Board of Education is advocating for data-specific guideposts, as we communicated yesterday.

While we are awaiting for these indicators to evolve from our state and local leaders, we know that our students would benefit academically, socially and emotionally with increased direct contact time they have with our staff. We will continue with the current hybrid educational model, with an adjustment to the weekly virtual Wednesday.

As long as the data continues to reveal that our students and staff are safe in our schools, we are planning to bring our hybrid students back to in-person instruction on Wednesdays, beginning on Wednesday, March 17, 2021. Students will receive three days of in-person instruction every other week. More details will be forthcoming.

Between now and March 17, we will continue to find ways to support our students in safe and healthy ways as we have done for the first half of the school year. This is an important step as we hope and plan for an eventual full return to school in either the spring or fall of 2021.

We will continue to monitor our school and community infection rates and adhere to the same COVID-19 policies we have since the start of the school year.

Thank you for your continued understanding and patience as we continue to work toward safely bringing our students back to in-person instruction.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools