Fairport Central School District

January 18, 2021

Dear Fairport Community:

Words matter and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words moved an entire nation. His message stays with us almost 53 years after his death because it speaks to our hearts and souls. In his speech, the Birth of A New Nation Nation, MLK asserted: 

“Let us fight passionately and unrelentingly for the goals of justice and peace. But let’s be sure that our hands are clean in this struggle. Let us never fight with falsehood and violence and hate and malice, but always fight with love, so that when the day comes that the walls of segregation have completely crumbled in Montgomery, that we will be able to live with people as their brothers and sisters.”  [Martin Luther King Jr., “Birth of a New Nation”]

During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 60’s, the enduring themes of love, peace, grace and reconciliation were at the core of MLK’s powerful speeches and inspired our Nation to be better and do better for the sake of humanity. This message holds true and serves as a powerful reminder in 2021 as our nation is still struggling with racial strife.  

In our Fairport schools we thrive because we intuitively strive to accomplish these enduring themes. It is our imperative to do our part and to create environments that are conducive to learning, caring and sharing for ALL students; we see it happen frequently throughout all of our schools.  

It is in this spirit, I invite you to join in our District’s participation in the National Day of Healing where there will be a week’s worth of events to be reflective of the truths to which Dr. King lived and died.  

With much gratitude and appreciation, 

Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools