Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport Community: 

Discrimination, bias and racism are underlying threads that are an ugly part of our country’s history. These issues plague our nation and even our own community as we learned early this morning. Sadly, we know that discriminatory acts occur far too often for our families of color. We also understand, this impacts the hearts and minds of our students of color and their classmates. As a District we realize that there is greater urgency to stop talking, start acting and add layers of accountability to achieve our imperative for social justice and equity for all of our students. 

As a School District, we are committed to:

  • Recruiting, hiring and retaining a diverse staff.
  • Reviewing and assessing our educational policies and practices to create systemic change for the benefit of all our students and families.
  • Bolstering our long-term plans and expanding our efforts to involve community members and listen to the voices of our students and their families.
  • Eliciting feedback to learn and create plans related to culturally responsive curriculum. 
  • Reviewing our student data and holding ourselves accountable for educating the whole child.
  • Collaborating with neighboring school districts to stand together and unite around the ideals of diversity, inclusion and equity for all students.

We are always better together when we intentionally create opportunities to support, love and care for each other. As our Board of Education frequently states, our primary mission is to help all students be the best version of themselves; success can only happen when all individuals feel safe in their community and equally valued. We look forward to embracing our students and school community as we journey together with this urgent imperative. 


Peter Forsgren
Board of Education President

Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools