Fairport Central School District

Superintendent of Schools Brett Provenzano and Assistant Superintendent for Business Matt Stevens presented the instruction and total budget draft #2 with revenues to the Board of Education at its Board of Education Meeting, April 21, 2020.

“The Board of Education, in conjunction with District administration, has been re-examining the 2020-21 school budget as a result of the world pandemic and economic pause. As I reiterated at the Board meeting on Tuesday, the current financial environment demands that we are increasingly conscientious, while continuing to provide our students with high level educational opportunities. We are thoughtfully reassessing how the District will move forward with reduced revenue sources and a looming recession. Our plan to use District reserves and realize natural efficiencies through attrition (retirements) will help mitigate the reduction of staff and preserve programming. Undoubtedly, however, there will be staffing changes and reductions. These losses are disheartening to our organization; our staff is integral to our programming and connect with students in so many different ways.” – said Superintendent of Schools Brett Provenzano.  

The next budget Board of Education public session is the Board Workshop on Monday, May 4, 2020 at 5 p.m. on the District’s YouTube LIVE.

For more budget information, visit: www.fairport.org/budget.