Fairport Central School District

FHS Amy Ruan

In an effort to promote interest in chemistry among young women, Iota Sigma Pi, the national honor society for women in chemistry, has presented 46 female high school students with the “Outstanding Young Women in Chemistry” award.  Recipients of the award show high academic achievement in chemistry.

Fairport High School Senior Amy Ruan is one of the recipients of the “Outstanding Young Women in Chemistry” award. She was nominated for this recognition by Fairport High School Chemistry Teacher Elizabeth Burns. Ruan will receive an official certificate issued by Iota Sigma Pi and recognition in the Iotan, the national publication of the Society.

“Amy’s class and lab work, as well as her work with her classmates, demonstrates that she has an excellent grasp of chemistry,” said Mrs. Burns. “I was honored to nominate Amy for the Iota Sigma Pi, Honor Society for Women in Chemistry, for her outstanding achievement in chemistry this year.”

IOTA SIGMA PI, founded in 1902, is a national honor society for women in chemistry. Its major objectives are:

  • to promote interest in chemistry among women students
  • to foster mutual advancement in academic, business, and social life
  • to stimulate personal accomplishment in chemical fields

The Society has initiated over 11,000 members and has established more than 46 local chapters in various colleges, universities, and metropolitan areas. For more information about Iota Sigma Pi and the Outstanding Young Women in Chemistry award contact Margaret Workman at mworkman@depaul.edu or go to www.iotasigmapi.info.

Congratulations to Amy!