Fairport Central School District

Wall Of Distinction

The Fairport Central School District honored its new members of the Education Wall of Distinction at an induction ceremony on Dec. 4 at Fairport High School.

The inductees, who were selected based on their lasting positive impact on the educational process for Fairport students, are: Caron Hess, Joe Kaemmerlen, Mary Beth Foote, Michael Torrelli, Richard Ognibene, Sandy Hoodak, and Scott Parker.

Caren Hess Caron Hess embodies the spirit of the Fairport motto, “Once a Raider, Always a Raider!” She grew up in Fairport, attended Fairport schools, raised her family here and enjoyed a career as an educator at Minerva DeLand that spanned 20 years until her retirement in June 2019. Mrs. Hess’ impact on the lives of children has gone beyond the Global History curriculum she taught. She was dedicated to creating lessons that would marry content with skill development that provided an opportunity for all students to learn history. A colleague shares that “when students cross the threshold into Caren’s learning environment, they become a member of her community.” Kind, inspirational and selfless, Mrs. Hess is ‘the embodiment of the C.A.R.E. (Civility, Awareness, Respect, and Embrace) philosophy” Fairport CSD strives to instill in students. Mrs. Hess has also influenced the Fairport community through her dedication to the Fairport History Club.
Joe Kaemmerlen Joe Kaemmerlen has made a lasting impact on the lives of his students and their families – with his commitment to create academic and personal growth – in his role as a fifth grade teacher at Northside School for the past 19 years. Before teaching at Fairport, he taught four years in the Rochester City School District and one year in the Greece Central School District. A parent describes Mr. Kaemmerlen as a caring teacher who instills life values in the lives of the students he teaches, including the “importance of respecting themselves and respecting others” and as being a great resource for families as “he cares about educating the whole person.” He pushes children to go beyond their own limits and is a champion for the needs of his students, as he develops kind people who can think critically, act respectfully and use their own unique voice with strength and confidence.
Mary Beth Foote Mary Beth Foote has been a highly regarded teacher in the District since 2002. A kindergarten teacher at Dudley Elementary School, Mrs. Foote is creative and is able to unlock the joy of learning in her students, particularly with regard to writing. She is gifted at creating an excitement for writing in her young students. In her first two years in the District, Mrs. Foote was a special education teacher. A former student shares how Mrs. Foote advocated for her placement into a fourth grade classroom that would best suit her learning style. “Mrs. Foote took the time to figure out how I learned, and what was needed so I would understand things better and easier.” Over the years, their relationship grew from advocate and teacher to mentor, role model and friend. Student and teacher would spend time together during the summer and the student would help with Mrs. Foote’s kindergarten class until she graduated. She went on to earn her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and master’s degree in special education. “Mrs. Foote is the reason I want to be a kindergarten teacher, so I can make a difference in children’s lives, like she made in mine.”
Mike Torrelli Michael Torrelli has dedicated himself to the district for 28 years with the last 17 of those in a dual role as physical education teacher and assistant athletic director. In his 15+ years as varsity lacrosse head coach, Mr. Torrelli has developed a successful program and, more importantly, he has created positive leaders and role models off the field. The large number of his former players who now hold high-level coaching positions is only one testament to his effectiveness as a coach and the positive role he has had on the Fairport athletic program. A colleague shares, “The relationships he has developed extend from some of the best athletes to ever walk the halls of Fairport High School to the student that never had, or will have the opportunity to play…” Mr. Torrelli is known for his acceptance of others and mission of inclusion. He has been a leader in the development and implementation of the high school Unified Physical Education program. He’s described as caring and selfless and is an advocate of Homecoming and Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week. Another colleague shares, “There isn’t a day that goes by at Fairport High School that he doesn’t go out of his way to help our students and colleagues.” He also oversees the TOPS (Talent Opportunities Program) for the District to help families and students in the Fairport community who cannot afford field trips, music lessons, senior yearbooks or athletic opportunities.
Richard Ognibene Richard Ognibene has been improving the lives of students and staff at Fairport for 27 years and is a stellar example of how much one person can make a difference. A science teacher at the high school, Mr. Ognibene engages students in a rigorous curriculum and has high expectations for their academic success. His students consistently have strong results on the Regents exams. Mr. Ognibene is also a teacher of C.A.R.E. (Civility, Awareness, Respect, and Embrace) who makes strong connections with his students and emphasizes these values. A colleague shares how Mr. Ognibene “stresses the importance of positive interactions with peers and being respectful of differences. Students would say Mr. O teaches them about being a good person.” He is a founding member of Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week and his contributions have helped make the week successful for over 20 years. He is also the founding advisor of the school’s Gay Straight Alliance Club to support LGBTQ students. Mr. Ognibene has an extremely strong network with alumni and this year he created a large bulletin board at FHS of LGBTQ alumni to share their stories and successes. He is a NYS Teacher of the Year and was inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame.
Sandy Hoodak



Scott Parker

Sandy Hoodak has been an educator in the District for more than 16 years, with the last 10 of those years as Fairport High School Work Based Learning Coordinator. In this role, Mrs. Hoodak oversees four programs and provides field trips and job shadow experiences to students to give them opportunities to gain workplace skills, explore career areas and earn high school credit. She is also the lead teacher for the high school Business, technology and family and consumer Sciences programs, and teaches the Career Prep Seminar Class. Mrs. Hoodak’s dedication to providing students with as many opportunities as possible is evident by the Chamber of Commerce meetings she attends, local employers she visits and community members she connects with. A colleague shares that “due to Sandy’s passion and dedication, students who have participated in the various programs have been able to leave Fairport High School with an idea of what career is a good fit for them and eliminate ones that are not a match.” Mrs. Hoodak’s work was recently recognized by the Fairport-Perinton Chamber when it named the Fairport High School Career Exploration Center its Business of the Month for October 2019.  She was also instrumental in bringing the student-run Advantage Federal Credit Union branch to the high school.


Scott Parker has been an educator in the district for 20 years. A sixth grade teacher at Martha Brown Middle School, Mr. Parker seeks to know and understand each of his students with a steadfast focus on educating the whole child. A parent shares the impact Mr. Parker had on her daughter who had been experiencing greater difficulty due to developmental and social-emotional skill delays. She was fearful about her daughter’s transition to the middle school and fear turned into relief as her daughter started to work with her new teacher. “Mr. Parker is a teacher who understands that he is not just teaching academics but nurturing human beings,” she said. “What sets him apart is his commitment to knowing my daughter well, his strong understanding of and respect for child development and his appreciation for her differences.” Her daughter’s attitude brightened and she “regained her confidence and understands that challenge yields learning” because of Mr. Parker.

Wall Of Distinction