Fairport Central School District


Fairport High School is now home to its own student-run credit union! Students, faculty, administrators and Advantage Federal Credit Union (AFCU) officials celebrated the grand opening of Raider Union in October 2019. The school’s business students are learning about financial literacy while gaining real world experience through this partnership with AFCU.

“The Raider Union gives students hands-on, real-world experience applying all that they have learned in Personal Money Management such as investing, budgeting, checking and savings accounts,” said FHS Business teacher Regina Nichols. “Moreover, the Raider Union includes students from many disciplines such as engineering, interior design, graphic arts and marketing. Volunteering for the Raider Union also helps enhance FHS students’ resumes for colleges and future employers alike.”

All FHS students, staff and family are invited to visit the Raider Union during its business hours Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch periods (Period 5, 6, 7). Raider Union is currently running a promotion for students who open an account.

Photo above: FHS teachers Sandy Hoodak and Regina Nichols, FHS Assistant Principal Kevin Page, AFCU CEO Jeff Bocach, Superintendent Brett Provenzano and students


