Fairport Central School District


Eight Odyssey of the Mind teams will represent Fairport at the New York State Finals Tournament on April 7 in Binghamton, N.Y. after placing first at the Greater Rochester Regional Odyssey of the Mind Tournament in March.

Fairport Odyssey of the Mind captured 6 first place finishes, and 8 of 27 State Qualifying slots.

Congratulations to students in the qualifying teams from Brooks Hill (three teams), Johanna Perrin (two teams), Martha Brown (two teams), and one team from Fairport High School.

Each school’s PTA in Fairport sponsors Odyssey of the Mind teams, as the all-ages program contributes to STEM educational goals. Students work for months to prepare props and costumes for skits that complete required large and small challenges outlined in five different problems.

Photo Caption: Dudley students participate in the Greater Rochester Regional Odyssey of the Mind Tournament, in March.