Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport School Community:

In light of recent news coverage, we would like to clarify the Fairport Board of Education and District’s position on the topic of arming teachers.

We feel it is crucial for you to be assured that a statement shared in the local news media – indicating that our Board and District is open to the conversation of having staff carry firearms – is not accurate. We have never entered into this conversation, and we do not plan to enter into this conversation.

The health and safety of our students and staff is our priority. We continually review our plans to ensure that we are providing safe and secure environments. However, arming staff is not a strategy we will consider.

Looking ahead, stay tuned for information regarding a future community forum in which we will discuss the topic of school safety, security, and the health and well-being of our students and staff.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools

Peter Forsgren
Board of Education President