• STEM Components

    Student Opportunities - Students designing, collaboration, real world connections, problem/project-based learning, use of technology, STEM clubs/competitions

    Classroom Environment - Integrated content, multiple assessment types, personalized, hands-on learning

    School Structures - STEM spaces, strategic staffing, professional development, STEM leadership pathways

    School Culture - Ongoing data tracking, school-wide STEM vision, student innovation encouraged, focus on underrepresented students

    Community Connection - STEM network connections, active STEM Advisory Council, community partners


    What makes STEM different?

    Active STEM Advisory Council that meets quarterly

    Problem/Project Based Learning experiences assigned routinely

    Emphasis on Student Collaboration with assigned roles

    Employability Skills Reinforced (soft skills)

    Career exposure and aligning students' career pathways (3 tiered STEM portfolio)

    Focus on integration across all levels

    K-12 vertical alignment of STEM practices/curriculum
    STEM field trips

    Opportunities for Student Empowerment (voice and choice)

    Engineering Design Process embedded at all schools
    Elementary and Middle- every teacher a STEM teacher

    K-12 pipeline with 4 NC STEM Schools of Distinction